I made a Japanese stab-stitch bound book today. I had such high hopes while I was working on it, and it ended up kind of a flop. I used the instructions in the current issue of
Craft and in theory it worked out ok but there were a few minor issues that left it looking kind of... lame.
So I keep telling my perfectionist child that he isn't supposed to get things exactly right when he's a beginner, but I'm feeling that feeling right now, the frustration of things not working out how you'd hoped, when really, they
should have. I really thought it was going to be so good, and it's weird, and some of the pages have 2 sets of holes punched, and the holes don't all line up as nicely as I'd hoped. Oh well.
I was really happy with how the paper cutting went; I put an old (not good for fabric anymore) blade in my rotary cutter and it worked wonderfully. So at least I'm not intimidated by cutting paper anymore.
I wanted to say hi to the folks from Craftster.org; I was super excited to see that I had a bunch of visits from there yesterday. I've had a membership at that site for a long time but don't hang out there often. I should poke around there a bit and see what's going on.