It seems like we were waiting forever for my oldest to lose his first tooth. He's almost 8 years old, and the dentist has been telling us for the last year or so that he would start losing teeth soon, and to call him when it happens. Well, last week, my son told me his tooth was growing "over the gum" in his mouth. I looked in his mouth and it turned out that his permanent tooth had already erupted... behind his decidedly non-wiggly baby tooth. We had the dentist take a look and were told that the roots weren't dissolving and D needed to get his teeth pulled. So... today was the big day! D got 3 shots to numb the whole area, but our dentist is so good that the shots didn't hurt and getting those two teeth pulled was no big deal for my boy.
We designed the tooth pillow together this afternoon. The mouth there is a pocket, you see. Cute, huh?
Cute pillow! Cute boy with missing teeth. :)
OH MY GOODNESS! He looks SO much like you in this picture. VERY cute! Tell 'em CONGRATS from Caitlyn on joining the "the dentist had to pull my teeth" club.
My daughter took a while too. Her bottom two permanent teeth came in completely behind her baby teeth. She had teeth like a shark. The dentist had to pull the baby teeth and the roots hadn't desolved at all. She lost one top front tooth normally. Then her other permanent front tooth came in behind the baby tooth. We had the dentist pull it since the permanent was turning sideways and very far back. We are now waiting for it to push forward or. Teeth can be funny things. I had no idea before this that teeth could do this. Our dentist said that it is fairly common.
Cute pillow!Funny picture!
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