I'm 15 weeks pregnant now and I was excited to get my copy of The Pregnancy Journal for the MotherTalk blog tour. I had seen this book at bookstores before but just assumed it was a blank book for writing in while you're pregnant. Turns out, it has detailed daily entries explaining what is going on with the baby and what is going on with the mom's body, for the entire pregnancy. There are a few pages at the front with prompts for journaling about things like the planning of your pregnancy, ways you hope to be a good parent, and how the baby will change your family if you already have children.
The main part of the book is divided into lunar months and weeks. Along with the baby and mom information, there is a lot of information about nutrition and health, along with occasional sections on pregnancy in other cultures and pregnancy comfort measures. Every week there is about a half page or so set aside for writing about whatever you want; there are also prompts for recording stuff like your weight, waist measurement, mood, and cravings throughout the book.
The daily notes continue for two weeks after your due date, just in case you go over, and then there is another journaling section that has a few pages with prompts for writing about labor and delivery, and the new baby.
With both of my previous pregnancies I found day-to-day pregnancy websites that I visited almost every day to get a little bit of information about my pregnancy. This book is sort of like those websites, only with much more information as well as all the places to personalize it with my own thoughts. I think it will be really cool to have it as a keepsake after this pregnancy is done.