I also made a hat and some pants for the baby. The hat is from the wonderful NCBE pattern, but I made the newborn size and it's too small already. Pants are from Ottobre 5/2006 and I don't really like them. I'm thinking about drafting a footed pants pattern from the NCBE pants pattern.

Honestly though, baby isn't going to be going out much this winter--she was hospitalized again for a week earlier this month for bronchiolitis and apnea related to a viral infection (yep, a cold). She's hanging out at home in a shirt, diaper, and blanket most of the time. I might make it back to church by February, we'll see. Here's a picture of her making a funny pouty lip face. I love it.

I decided to start something from fabric I have on hand and here's what I've got so far:

At first I was thinking it would be another charity quilt but then I decided to make the churn dash blocks and now I want to keep this one, at least I think so. But I'm not loving it at the moment. The idea was to use up the red, white (really cream), and blue that I've got in my stash/scrap bin, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to need more red. I might go to the quilt shop tomorrow. I'm also trying to figure out how to set the blocks; I could do square-in-a-square blocks to alternate with the churn dash blocks, or just plain sashing. Or come up with something else. I don't know.
Finally, I'm looking for suggestions for Lauren's baby quilt. I've got the fabric for the top, and I really love the paper doll fabric, but I don't know how to put it together.

By the way, I really like how the coordinates I picked out all have different textures. I'd like to use fairly large squares of the paper doll fabric and I had a couple ideas for the colors--I could just alternate plain old paper doll squares with 4-patches of the other fabrics, or put sort of scrappy sashing around larger squares of the paper doll fabric, or... that's all I've got. So, let me know if you have any other ideas. I saw a couple of cute baby quilt patterns in an expensive book at the quilt shop, and if I go back there soon I might have to look again to try and refresh my memory.
I have a long, long sewing list, a few orders of fabric on their way to me, and my non-pregnant energy is back (although I'm still tired a lot) and I hope to be back to more regular posting here soon!
I've made a couple baby quilts. One is from Atkinson Design's "Yellow Brick Road" pattern. It turns out really cute. You can see it at http://www.atkinsondesigns.com/patterns/patternDetail.asp?productID=126. They have other patterns shown through that site too.
Your boys look very cool in their new shirts! Nice job!
I like your four patch idea. I think I'd arrange them so that there were chains of each color across the quilt. So red and yellow chains would go one way and the blue and green chains would cross them going the other way. It would mean having four different sets of four patches. I may have to consider this idea for my own baby quilt as I'm due at the end of Feb.
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