I decided on the fly (and the night before the last day of school this year) to make one of the storage cubes from Crazy Mom Quilts for my son's 3rd grade teacher. She has Jayhawks all over the classroom so we fused a Jayhawk on some white cotton and stitched that onto the denim cube. I had the perfect lining fabric for a Jayhawk cube.

I had been thinking about making a knotty doll for my baby girl and I decided the night of December 23rd what I was going to do. I got up and started dyeing the velour fabric in the morning on Christmas Eve, and then started sewing it later that evening. I finished sewing it up after we opened gifts on Christmas morning. This was one of those projects that turned out so well and I was just so happy with it. I love how the LWI dye job turned out and the doll is just so cute and snuggly. I already made another one for a baby friend and will make more in the future.

My 8 year old and I decided to make these recycled crayons yesterday. I couldn't remember where I'd seen them, was it OMSH? Not exactly. Was it Balancing Everything? Hmm, no. I checked my starred items in google reader and found it, at CraftSanity. (Check out her podcasts, they're awesome.) We had plenty of unwrapped broken crayons and made a dozen of these yesterday and a few more with friends today, too. It's a super cheap and easy craft. They're cool to color with, too.

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