I have admired the Neptune fabrics for a long time so I was glad to get them, and the bugs are by the same designer, Tula Pink. I am working on a bit of pink and aqua and red stash I guess.
This past week the boys had swimming lessons and somehow that seemed to take a big chunk of my time. I worked on a swap quilt for the SewingMamas.com doll quilt swap... It is all hand quilted and I really like it. It is -this- close to done and I'll post a picture of it after the recipient gets it.
I went through my sewing stuff (in one location, there is more in my bedroom closet) and folded and packed it away more neatly. I made a list of started projects and projects I hope to start soon. I need to start making a dent on that UFO list.
Oh I also took my Viking in to the shop yesterday. It is my only machine with a walking foot so when I get it back I will be able to finish something I started quite a while ago.
The bugs are so cute!
Nice selection of fabric. Do you have a specific project in mind for any of them?
the fabric is adorable!! i love tula pink too!... and good luck with your machine!
Oh I likey. All of them really. The green/gold color jumps out at me though.
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