I'm pretty sure my turtle quilt is the second quilt I ever made (including my "ugly" polyester quilt my Grandma Taylor helped me make when I was in 8th grade.) My husband's mom and dad gave me a very generous gift of money when I graduated with my MS degree and I used that money to buy my first rotary cutter and mat, and the fabrics for this quilt. It was made in Provo, Utah, in 1997, and measures 19"x26".
A couple of things I learned while making this quilt: first, needle-turned hand applique is time consuming! And best done in small doses, in my opinion. Second, value, or the lightness/darkness of your fabrics, is just as important as color. A few of my blocks in this quilt have virtually no contrast (and the appliques/ninepatches are difficult to see) because I used fabrics that were too close together in value. Overall, I do really love this quilt, and some of the fabrics in it are still some of my favorites!
The hand quilting really makes this quilt special. Since the turtles were also needle-turn appliqued, that was a LOT of handwork!
isn't it funny to go back and look at what we started with on quilts. i know i cringe a little, but i also love that i can see where skill has grown too
So fun to see first (or second) quilts and read the creators thoughts on it. Love how ambitious and how great it turned out.
The turtles are so cute! You did a great job and you can tell it's been loved!
ohh! i think your quilt is very pretty! i love the hand quilting!! thanks for sharing!
Wow this was only your second quilt! It's great!
precious little turtles! it's a delightful quilt and remarkably good for a second effort!
Love that you did hand quilting! I love this little festival, it is so fun to meet new quilters!
The turtles are fabulous! What a fun touch! And hooray for hand quilting! :)
what a nice quilt..i love the turtles!
What a pretty quilt. I like applique, but you are right, it is definitely time consuming!
Very pretty little quilt!
Very nice quilt, thanks!
I love the turtles and the hand quilting. I also really like the layout of the colors. Nice job.
What a special little quilt. Every one is definitely a learning experience, whether it's our first, our second, or our last quilt. Thanks for sharing it.
Very cute!
It's a very cute quilt. I love the little turtles. Thanks for sharing.
Cute quilt with the turtles!! The handquilting really lifts it.
It is a cute quilt -- turtles are a luck symbol you know. I believe that value plays a much more important role than color.
Such a cute quilt with the turtles and a lot of work. You did a great job. Thanks for sharing.
I loved the color combination, and the whole thing it is so beautiful. Great Job
Wow, Vicki,
You learned lots of valuable lessons from your first quilt. You learned things that you liked in small doses and about color value.
I know that i keep learning from each quilt i make too.
Your quilt is very pretty and you did a wonderful job of the needleturn applique.
Thanks for showing you lovely quilt.
I love the turtles, its a darling quilt.
It is a great little quilt just for your second quilt. Thanks for sharing.
I can also look back and see that I've learned along the way, - almost on every work I've done!
Thanks for nice comment on my quilt.
Cute quilt. Isn't funny looking back on our old work. I like the hand quilting on it.
I love your quilt! I don't think it is a problem that some part have less contrast, it make you look twice!
Love your turtles and quilting. Very special quilt and I'm impressed it is your second quilt.
Very cute quilt. The turtles are so sweet :-)
I love the turtles!! You did an excellent job and sounds like learned a lot.
Beautiful! I love the contrast of the light hand quilting against the darker fabric.
How wonderful to have such a treasure...something that you and your grandmother created together.
It's a treasure for sure! Thanks for sharing Vickie!
Very cute. and Congratulations on your MS degree-quite an accomplishment!
I remember my first and only turtle quilt. My friend had a baby and I made her one for her son. The daddy soon started calling the baby turtle-head. hmmm...Maybe I should have chose a different pattern. lol
Your quilt looks great!
Very nice work. Love your turtles.
This is beautiful. Looks like a lot of hard work and heart.
really really cute! I love the turtles! And the nine patches - one of my favorite classic designs.
Did you go to BYU by any chance? That's my alma mater!
It's a great quilt. I like how neat and straight the handquilting looks.
Impressed that you jumped right in there with handwork! I am still trying to avoid that at all costs. :D
Turtles are oh so cute!
Very cute! I love the quilting on the turtles!
I love turtles! This is so cute! I am still learning so much about quilting and choosing colors. It's a little scarier, but exciting at the same time to look at colors now and find just the right combos.
Aww the little turtles are so cute.
That is a wonderful quilt and the turtles are amazing.
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