a set of 5 Figgy Pudding fabric gift tags. The fabrics are machine-sewn onto the gift tags with varied decorative stitches.

I'm also giving away this pile of scraps leftover from a couple projects I made this year. There are a lot of Heather Ross mendocino scraps, including seahorses, mermaids, octopi, kelp stripe, and swim class. I am also including some hand dyed fabrics as well as a few other scraps of coordinating aquas, oranges, and browns.
All you need to do to be entered to win is leave a comment on this post. I'd love it if you take a minute to tell me where you are and what you're making this week. Or just anything about yourself.
Comments will be closed sometime in the evening on December 6 and I will choose the winners with the help of random.org then.
While you're here, take a look over there to the right and check out my tutorials. I have several quilting tutorials, including how to do quilt basting, free motion quilting, and binding. I also have a tutorial for making a t-shirt charm pack dress and easy kids' capes.
Thanks for stopping by!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 303 Newer› Newest»I'm from Sydney!
I'm not making anything this week, cos i have a test coming up!!!!
I'm from Texas, moving to Canada soon though.
Currently I have a bunch of knitting and sewing for christmas that I need to get done, but I'm slacking really bad...and running out of time! lol
I love those scraps! The colors are so pretty!
I'm from Columbus, OH and planning to make some cat toys for Christmas gifts this week. I also made some fabric birds earlier in the week.
I'm from Ontario, Canada. I'm working on piecing for a Red and White Snowball Challenge, plus getting ready for the quilting process for a Values quilt - just got in some yummy Amy Butler flannel for the back. I love the scraps in your giveaway - I promise I would take good care of them!
hola!! I'm from Guadalajara! thanks for sharing, your tags are so cute!!!! i'm working on a quilt for my brother!
I'm from Berlin and I'm making a needlebook this week!
I am in Hamburg, Grmany and I am trying to find a job so I can pay the rent next month. Thank you for the giveaway.
I love those mermaids! I'm in Kentucky and my crafting this week is limited to my commute time. I'm crocheting wrist warmers for my husband.
I'm from Wisconsin, and I've been busy folding Moravian Stars to decorate my Christmas tree!
I live in Huntsville, AL. I have the Figgy Pudding scrapbooking paper and need to go get some of the fabric. This week I'm making luggage tags for gifts. I love your blog and subscribe to it!
love the mendocino line. I have some scraps from it as well.
I'm from your house. And I'm making a detective triangle set only with stockings (it's a Montessori thing for my classroom). It's going to be cute!
Lovely scraps & tags!
I'm in Logan, UT and working on Xmas pajamas for kiddos, plus a birthday banner for my very-nearly-3yo's bday next week.
I'm from Wichita, Kansas and this week I am making tree skirts for my daughters using the figgy pudding fabrics! The tags would be great!!
Very nice prizes, thanks for participating. :) I'm in Michigan, out in the country, and I'm currently finishing up a hand-quilted couch throw for my mom. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of your blog!
Hi! I'm from outside the Dallas Texas area. I've been eyeing a charm pack in my stash to make a Christmas table runner...*hoping* to get started this weekend. Thank you for this great giveaway. I can't wait to look around your blog.
Good Morning, I am from South Carolina and love your blog!! I am working on a Christmas block. I have a quilt top that needs a back:)
Hi I'm in Winnipeg MB and this week I"m working on baby costumes for our Bethlehem LIve production!
I'm from England. I am making a girly reversible apron for my daughter. xx
what a great giveaway. please count me in. i am from New York and this week i am hoping to finish up a mendocino quilt....which makes me even more interested in your scraps. gorgeous pile. thanks for coming by mine and good luck with the giveaway
Love those colors and the tags are wonderful. Not making anything this week, waiting for a new waterheater to be installed. But do hope to make some little table trivets to use for pans. Have a great little pattern, just need to find room for my machine. Thanks for the chance!!!!
so pretty! i'm in philly and working on a tablerunner at the moment
Ooo. the pile of scraps is making me drool! HI! I'm Chris, I'm in Chicago - and I have Irish twins - which makes me nuts!
Isn't it delightful how anything containing fabric makes us oooooh and ahhhhhhh! I am from Ohio and am finishing a woven table runner for a gift exchange our quilt club is having on December 14th. I better not boast but think that it will be finished way before "the last minute" LOL
Making some tissue covers for gifts at a holiday party. Some girls clothes too.
I'm in Montreal dreaming of finishing my uni exams to go ovet to my mam's in Spain! In between tests I'm partaking in this cool quilt along: http://dontlooknow.typepad.com/dont_look_now/josephs-coat-quilt-along-.html
Love the giveaway, it's very generous of you!
i am from portland, indiana.
i am a knitter and a sewer.
i have already made a lot of knitted presents and am now trying to squeeze in some sewing.
Hello from Germany!
I've got a lot to do this week and the following,too ;0) First I have to finish curtains for my mother in law, then a little knitting bag for a present, another present and THEN I hope I'll find time to start the mystery of Bonnie Hunter!
Thank you for your giveaway.
Hugs from the Baltic Sea
Hi Vicki! I'd love to be entered in your giveaway :-) I live in the sunny state of Florida. Thanks for participating in the Giveaway day.
Great giveaway! I'm from a city near Toronto, Ontario and this week I am finishing up my handmade Christmas cards. My grandmother had a rule about sending them out on December 1st but clearly that isn't happening! Ha.
I'm from Gloucester, MA! Fishtown USA. I'm in the process of making Christmas gifts for everyone I know, from hand knitted thongs, scraves and toys to sewing teacher tissue holders, skirts, and a variety of bags, Phew!
I'm from L.A.
Right now I'm in the middle of cutting up fabric for a patchwork boy quilt. Hope to have it done in two weeks (we'll see!)
I'm from Boston, Massachusetts, and I'm making socks this week. Really, I make handknit socks all the time, so this week is no different from any other week.
I live in Wisconsin! I am currently working on some applique Christmas ornaments for my coworkers!
I'm from northern Maine, where winter has already begun. Today, I was working on a small rag quilt for my newest granddaughter. Mommy wants a small take along raggie that's easily portable and I'll add a ring for either a toy or pacifier. Great for in the car, stroller, or going to grandma's!
Hi from Austin TX!
Love those scraps!!
HI! I'm from PA, working on Christmas presents.
Greer, SC
I am making lots of handmade sketchbooks.
do i see some octopus fabric ? oh, i have to have some ! this week i am knitting a stuffed octopus for my son for Christmas --- I'm in Minnesota, please enter me in your lovely giveaway ! thanks !!! have a great day !
I am working on quilts this week and until christmas!!
Thank you for this giveaway!
I'm from Minnesota and working on a pirate quilt for my son. I would love to win this great give away
Oh that fabric makes me swoon.
I am from Chicagoland and I am working on quilts, softies, and knit items for Christmas gifts this week and the rest of December probably.
From Washington.
I am going to be working on some blocks from the Rainbow Jane online club I joined. I need to catch up!!
Hello Sew Inspired, I am Sew Excited! I'd love to win! I am in Guatemala (missionary), but a resident of FL! so it can be mailed stateside, heehee! I am trying to log off my computer to continue and finish a quilt I am making my sister for Christmas... it's cats! ok after this i will do that! I'm still new to quilting, just a few years! thanks for sharing your scraps!!! and t=for listening! :)
Jackie (at) jackiesue.com
I'm from Southern California, working on ribbon belts for the girls in my family and placemat/napkin sets for the grownups.
I'm from Kansas too! I am working on a crayon and pad holder for my nephew's birthday
I'm from Texas and knitting a scarf. We might have snow this week!
I love love love those scraps! Beautiful color combo!!
I'm in chilly Ohio, working to finish two lap quilts before Christmas!
kelli.canady {at} gmail dot com
Hi, I'm from Croatia, Europe and I'm finishing a quilt for my sister.
Thanks for a giveaway,
With the best wishes,
Hi from Greensboro North Carolina! Trying to finish up the border quilting on a donation quilt that has been in my machine for weeks - blushing here. Great couple of giveaways, hope I win!
From the North Carolina Mountains and currently working on a quillow for my grandson and weaving a table runner for his mum.
I'm from Portland, OR... I am going to cross stitch my last ornament this weekend, maybe sew a couple dolls up to.
I'm in florida, and am spending the week making bags for a husband's co-worker who's traveling home to india for the holidays.
what i wouldn't do for that heather ross happiness. thanks!
Oh I love the tage and to be honest I would hang them on my studio tree!!! Scraps, what could be better than that!! right now I am working on my daughters Wedding quilt, she is getting married in July. thank you for this chance!
I am in North Dakota and this week I am knitting and hats for xmas gifts. I am also sewing bibs for my 6 month old and getting started on a couple of fabric/soft books for him for xmas as well.
i'm in the uk - and it just keeps on raining!!
i would love to win this!!
gill x
I'm from Lafayette, Louisiana and am working on a lunch bag for my sister and then some baby legs for a friend.
i love scraps! i'm in michigan right now and have a bunch of quilts to finish and even more baby quilts to start (so many friends having winter babies...)
cute tags! I'm in Nashville, TN. and am currently knitting myself a scarf. I'm sure other projects will interrupt this scarf project, but it will eventually get done.
hello there!
I'm from Lisbon, Portugal.
I'm sewing lots of Christmas presents.
Last weekend I made an apron for my childhood friend with an AmyButller pattern (Domestic Goddess). It took me 9 hours, can you imagine???
Yesterday i helped another good friend who is making her first quilt for her first nephew. Her machine doesn't quilt so I lent her mine and we spend the whole afternoon talking and quilting.
Tonight I'll be making a tablecloth for my mother-in-law.
I'm really busy!!!
the fabric tags are great! i'm not really making anything right now, but i'm from new york and i'm hoping to make something warm soon!
I live in Wisconsin. I'm in the middle of my tree skirt... all of the supplies which I purchase LAST YEAR so as to make the tree skirt for LAST Christmas. I think I will get it done this week! Yay!
Thanks for the cool giveaway!
I'm from the San Francisco bay area, and am working on smocks for my little guys, to go with an easel for Christmas. Happy holidays!
I am in the bluegrass state. I am trying to get the motivation to finish a present for my mom, placemats. I have sewn probably 20 things for Christmas already this year, and I am pooped!
Neat tags! :) I just started crocheting a hat last night.
HI! I'm from a small town In Utah called Cedar City. I'm actually taking on the challenge this month of making my first queen size quilt for my Mom for Christmas!
I have been working with Christmas fabrics this week, trying to decide what to do with them!! I am thinking quilted gifts for the family...not sure yet!
I love, love, love scraps!!!!!!
Working on lots of Christmas gifts...it's going to take more than this week though!
I'm from Florida! I'm working on rag quilts for my daughter and my mom. Also instead of giving gifts to my coworkers, I'm making cat quilts for the humane society and giving them in their honor.
I'm from the not-the-city part of NY (which is most of NY, incidentally). I'm not sewing this week because I'm getting Christmas baking underway! But next up is a home dec project - cushions for a window seat my hubby built.
Those fabrics are so gorgeous. I love to use scraps for small projects.
I'm from Denmark, currently only knitting away on Christmas presents, but have to get going with some card making for my mum too.
I'm in Texas. I am working on some cute scarves and a baby quilt... and some skirts for my daughter. I'm sure something else will pop into my head that HAS to be made soon.
I love, love, love those fabric tags! I'm between projects right now. But I'm helping (coaching) my daughter in her latest project - boxer sleeping shorts as Christmas gifts for her girlfriends. Fun!
I am a Seattleite living in Copenhagen, where I can't find any of this fabric! I would LOVE to win, and the tags are so cute, too.
I am working on a Liberty quilt right now. http://savvystitch.blogspot.com/2009/07/liberty-quilt.html
I'm from Nashville, TN. At the moment i'm working on christmas presents. I finished an apron for my mum and now i'm working on rag letters (following the Happy Together tutorial) for my little nephew. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Hi! Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway! I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and I'm currently working on 2 quilts - one is a mini lap quilt for my mom, and the other is a full size quilt for my fiance and I.
I am from Wisconsin and am currently finishing up a Christmas dress for my daughter.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm in Utah. This week I'm working on Christmas stocking and a ton of PJs for my kids.
from maryland and i am trying my hardest to finish up a baby quilt and a knitted scarf. fingers-crossed i will get them done. thanks!
I'm unfortunately still in Kansas City, hoping to move to New Hampshire eventually.
This week I'm making everything I can - Christmas ornaments, gifts, etc. I just picked up embroidery, so that should be fun - or a disaster!
:o Those scraps would be perfect for a quilt that I'm starting.
I'm from California, and this week I'm working on a patchwork bag for carrying my niece's library books.
I am originally from Arizona but in Virginia Beach currently. I am working on so many Christmas decorations that I can't even list them. I love the mermaid fabric in the scraps!!
I'm from Minnesota. This week I'm working on Christmas gifts. Two knitted scarves and princess crowns and capes.
Love scraps! I'm here in Austin, TX and i'm an "all by hand" quilter. I don't even own a machine!
What a great pile of scraps. I'm in Texas, and I'm working on fabric baskets for my family for Christmas. Or I would be, if I'd ever get off the computer. Ooops!
I'm from Michigan and I'm working on our Christmas stockings using....Figgy Pudding :)
Thanks for the link to the Traveling Art Show! Love it!
kathy from hillsboro oregon. spent last week making birthday gifts for my niece- a new jumper and a t-shirt with "3" on it. this week i'm just making food to feed my boys as they started basketball games this week!
Love it! I am in Orlando and I just made a snowman hair clip and a snowman pin. They are so fun. :)
Thanks for the chance to enter. I am hosting a giveaway on my blog as well...check it out: http://amypaul.wordpress.com
I'm in BC, Canada.
I'm working on some Christmas presents - pj's and a really cute kitchen set: oven mitt, pot holder and tea towels.
I'm snowed in in Western Canada this week, so it's a good time to keep working on the holiday gift giving bags.... then I should really get crafting the contents...
I'm from Canada however my mom live in Pennsylvania and I get mail there too, so I guess I'm from both!
I'm making tree ornaments this week!
i'm in san antonio, texas and i'm and hurriedly finishing up a bunch of holiday quilts.
Hi! I'm from Winnipeg Canada. My current project is butterfly hair clips which I'm making for all the little girls on my Christmas list: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tawnybee/4148186025/
It's snowing outside, so I'm here entering all the giveaways and reading the comments on my own giveaway too :) http://tawnykw.blogspot.com
I'm in Saskatchewan and am desperately scrambling on tree ornaments for Sister's Birthday, matching tree skirt for Christmas, two felted cushions for my mum, and a dresser runner for me.
And then there are patterns that I won't let myself start until the holidays are over... :-( BUt oh, if I find a spare minute this week.....
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I'm from Canada! I should be making Christmas ornaments this week, but I am slacking off (probably until the weekend)!! I'd love to win the figgy pudding tags, they're adorable!
mc.crafty.bunny at gmail dot com
I'm from southeastern PA. I'm currently sewing a stuffed octopus toy for a friend's son. Happy holidays!
I love those scraps! I live in Brooklyn and am SUPPOSED to be making all kinds of things, but am instead perusing fabulous giveaways. So easily distracted...sigh...
Currently trying to finish a few crochet toppers for christmas cards
I love those figgy pudding tags what a great idea. I am working a a circle and string quilt with the old red barn quilt along on flickr
cute scraps you have! I'm from Idaho, currently working on Christmas gifts - an apron and an advent calendar! Thanks for the free-motion quilting tute - I am thinking about attempting that.
I'm in Kansas and I'd use the scraps to make more Christmas tags :)
Hi, I'm Paula and I live in Lisbon, Portugal. This week (and these past weeks)I've been making Christmas ornaments and it's been lots of fun. Thanks for the great giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
I'm working on some hats and quilts this week.
Thanks for having a giveaway,
silkaphyllis at gmail.com
I'm from Seattle...and this week I'm making playdough for my daughter's preschool class. :-) Crafty-wise, I'm working on some balls for my baby for Christmas.
I am from Idaho. I should be sewing all of the christmas presents i want to make, but the give a way is to much fun
I'm from Louisville, KY. I'm making quilts for my mom, boyfriend's mom, and my sister. These gift tags are superrr cute. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Hi! I'm from North Carolina....I am working right now on a bunch of sweet baby dolls (http://www.etsy.com/your_shop.php) for my etsy shop and hopefully for my daughter who seems to reject every one I make. She prefers playing with paper at this age..!
Anyway, I DO love your scraps, they're very pretty and inspiring (my scrap pile is NOT that neat).
Hi! I'm from Nashville, TN, and I'm frantically sewing stockings for my twins this week :) Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm from Ontario Canada...I'm working on finishing my first queen sized quilt and making some Christmas pajamas for my little girl in the near future. I would absolutely love to win your scraps....they would be perfect!! I'm crossing my fingers..thanks for a great giveaway.
Hi, I'm in New Orleans, LA. I'm currently working on baby headbands made from stretchy lace with pink ribbon bows... they are Christmas gifts.
I'm in Miami and I'm working on a belated advent calendar!
Hi I'm from Boise. I'm working on crayon rolls for nieces and nephews and a snowman wall mini wall hanging quilt.
Great giveaway!
I'm from Ottawa, Canada, and this week I am soldering on with my massive quilt for our bed. It *might* be finished for Christmas ...
I looooove your scraps! I have a softness for Mendocino :D I use scraps for a string quilt I'm working on (another ten year project, I'm sure!) Your tags are cute too! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I'm from Munich, Germany, Europe :)
I am currently working for some huge tests coming up in january (and then secretely I am working on christmas gifts and a string quilt, just for myself^^).
I'm from the beautiful Pacific NW and making fingertip mitts, a guitar strap, and a quilt just today! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I'm so happy to have found your tutorials! I'll be back!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway!
secretcake (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'm from WA state! I'm working on some bread bags for my husband this week.
i'm in Christchurch, New zealand, this week i'm making laveder sachets and i love other peoples scraps.Heaven knows why..I have enough of my own.
hi-currently in ohio
i have an etsy shop and a blog-also doing the giveaway...love the heather ross pieces :)
Hi, I'm from British Columbia Canada. This week I am making some fleece mitts for my son, as it is getting colder here.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks for the giveaway! Love the fabric scraps and the gift tags.
I'm in Alabama, and this week I'm working on knitting a hat and making two child aprons.
Hi, I'm from southern New South Wales - about half way betwen Sydney and Melbourne. This week I am making Spool birds in Christmas fabrics for our church's Christmas tree display. I love Mendocino - but don't have any. I think it was this fabric that made me think that orange is not really a horrible colour.
I love those tags
and the scraps - oooh I have been eyeing that ducky fabric for some time now! haha
I'm currently sewing a coaster and kitchen towel set and crocheting a beanie and scarf!
now, off to check out your tutorials! :)
I'm from Northern California in the foothills with pine trees and beautiful mountains. And I'm working on ornaments, and gifts for family members and friends.
Wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance.
I am entering giveaways rather than sewing right now, but I'm working on a quilt for my niece. Thanks for the opportunity!
who wouldn't love a chance to win mermaids? I love the gift tags
In North Carolina
making small zipper bags and journal covers
Hi! I'm from California and am working on knitting up a shawl right now. I love those scraps! Awesome!
Wow those are great tags! Have you seen the tags that Tim Holtz is making on his blog this week? Your style is a little like his :)
I'm Valerie, from near Ottawa, Canada. I *should* be working on Christmas lap quilts, but instead I'm blog surfing. Ah well, I still have three whole weeks to finish!
I'm from NY and I'm not making anything this week :(
love the mermaid scraps though!
Hey there! I am from New Hampshire, and I am making so many christmas presents, but mainly finishing up the three stockings i am knitting... almost done!
Love the scraps, thanks for the chance!
Hi! I'm getting ready to cut into 8 yards of fabric for my first set of flat panel curtains. Nervous!
what a lovely mishmash of scraps. i love scraps! right now i am sewing some travel rolls for crochet/knitting.
thanks for offering these!
This week I'm knitting socks for hubby, don't tell!
Love your tutes, I'll be bookmarking you!
Oh, what a fun giveaway! I have some Mendocino saved up, and those scraps would be an awesome addition. :-)
I'm in Massachusetts. Trying to find motivation to do some bee blocks and make a rice heat bag for my aunt for Christmas.
Liz @ teeny tiny quilts
love the tags. currenty making onaments.
I'm from Madison, Wisconsin. I'm not making a whole lot this week because we are moving to Virginia next week!
I love the gift tags! what a great idea for scraps. kellysmith89@hotmail.com
Love the scraps!!
I'm from Texas and I'm making Christmas skirts for my girls! :)
Sarah8914 at gmail dot com
I'm here in Detroit, and I'm making bag after bag after bag!
Thanks for the giveaway!
albeaton (at) aol (dot) com
I;m in NM and I am making match boxes for a swap on swap-bot this week
i'm working on crocheting christmas stockings, without a pattern. it's intense.
i'm working on crocheting christmas stockings without a pattern. it's intense.
i'm bess in kentucky, and i'll be making a burlap wreath (embellished with yo-yo flowers) for my front door! :)!
Ooh, I love the HR scraps! This week I'm making... a mess. But crafting-wise, I'm finishing the AB Liverpool pattern. Yay!
I'm Mary from Florida. Right now I'm sewing strips of Panache together for a stacked coins baby quilt. Can't wait to see how it is going to turn out - that's what I love most about quilting is the anticipation of seeing it all finished and then giving it away :) These are great scraps!
What a lovely giveaway! I'm currently working on a fabric barn for my daughter's Christmas present. I'm in Iowa, BTW -thanks for participating :D
I'm from Baltimore, Md. I'm hoping to baste my XMAS quilt this week.
I'm in Utah!
This week the only thing I've made so far is the project I made for MY sms giveaway! :o)
cute giveaway! Alberta, Canada. Not really sewing much this week so far, mostly into knitting my sweater! But I do have plans for Christmas stockings and fleecy pjs for my son coming up!
I am finishing a messenger bag for my sisters birthday and I need to start an apron for my mom.
I would love the scraps! I just finished handquilting a flannel juvenile quilt, and now I am working on a bright scrappy string quilt for a mother-to-be.
Thanks so much for a chance at this fantastic giveaway...some of my favorite prints! I am making a pillow for my niece now, but hoping to get 2 special superhero capes made using your tutorial before Christmas...thanks again!!
Love your giveaway especially those scraps! I'm currently working on a doll blanket, counted cross stitch alphabet and the backing of an "alien invasion" quilt top. I know, I need help! LOL
Thanks for hosting this giveaway. Happy Holidays.
I am from Woodland, California and I am working on finishing my BOTM and Christmas cards! Thank you for the awesome chance to win...I am a scrapbooker too and love Basic Greys Figgy Pudding!
I'm from Arizona, and I'm working on a quilt for some friend who are getting married the day after Christmas. Ack! Of course it's right at the same time as Christmas...project overload!
Pretty scraps! I like the tags too, very cute :)
I am from Portland, Oregon. I am helping my husband remodel our kitchen, so that is what I'm "making" this week :)
Woohoo for scraps! Love em. I'm Amanda, getting ready to move from CA to GA this week. Gahh.
I'm from North Dakota!
I'm working on making doll clothes for my little sister.
Love all those fabrics. I am from the South and love to make crafts from scraps and odds and ends. Thanks for the giveaway.
Love those tags! I'm from Melbourne, Australia and this weekend I will be working on "I Spy" bags for my nieces and helping my oldest to make Christmas cards for her kindergarten classmates.
I am working away on SO many Christmas gifts! Tonight I hemmed a couple of dresses and finished one mitten. Tomorrow, the other mitten and a matching scarf!
Hey! I'm from Boulder. I just finished up a pair of socks for me and now I need to start a pair for Mom for Christmas.
Hi there
Cute figgy tags :) great idea
I am in the process of making applique table runners
Hi, I am Lia and I am from Jakarta, Indonesia :) I'd be making a scarf for my Japan's vacation in Jan :)
you are my first peek into giveaway day, other than my own offering. I am in my little hosue, high up on a hill overlooking trees and the wild west coast of New Zealand's Piha. On the table (literally- all cut out and in various stages of creation) this week are 12 retro handtowels with old buttons from my stash, 11 girls tunic tops in vintage fabric, one tote from weekend sewing (for me!), two bags, two pairs of cotton drill 3/4 shorts with many pockets for small people - barring heather ross' tote, all my design! (phew) - loving those scraps...
Hi !
Please count me in, I'd love to receive these scraps !
I'm working on nativity scenes wall hangings for my quilting girlfriends here in Wisconsin. I Love the Mendocino fabrics.
We're having handmade Christmas at our house, so i'm working on lots fo things, but this week I'm knitting a couple pairs of wool slippers to felt and thread sketching my in-laws home for them.
Thanks for the chance to win! And who did you make 10 capes for?
We're in Tennessee. I'm busy making scrappy fabric belts from juicy bits' tutorial.
I'm in Florida. This week I am making 4 Buttercup Bags for gifts.
In in Arizona. I currently working on some sleep pants for my kids made from flannel. Great giveaway!
Hello from Washington, DC! I'm trying to get back to my Storm at Sea quilt... but mostly knitting.
I'm in PA. I am making my mom's Christmas present right now. A queen size nine patch on point. I have been a follower of your blog, I liked the tutorial using the charm pack and t-shirt. Very clever.
I love to win and I'll come back for the tuto's
Here is my giveaway
oh wow, i LOVE the palette of all those scraps, and the gift tags are inspiring too!
This week I am making some knitted baby booties for a nephew that should be here any day. I am also making some felt christmas trees for around the house, and few new ornaments for the tree! I am in SC.
Thanks for this giveaway.
Oooh, scraps. I'm in Humboldt, CA, working madly on way too many christmas presents. Every year I tell myself I'm going to start earlier, but it doesn't seem to make much difference :)
I'm from Michigan, and I'm hoping to make some books this week. I'm also working on a fleece scarf and a handbag for Christmas gifts.
I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. I am working on makeup cases & coasters.
what pretty fabrics and tags! :)
I'm from Illinois and still live here. Knitting my fingers away with christmas gifts this week.
im from israel
a mom of 3 kids
i love to sew
and i am working on something to hang on the wall above my new babies bed
thanks for the giveaway!
I'm from Ontario, Canada. This week I'm making the handmade surprise for my the giveaway on my blog as part of the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day. I'm also working on pillows.
Hey! I'm in Seattle, WA, and it's COLD here! I'm working on a quilt for my mom right now. To warm up those chilly Seattle nights!
Sarah @ http://comeandseetheseitz.com
I'm in upstate NY. It's mind blowingly warm here today for Dec. Hope you have nice weather too. I'm working hard to finish a quilt I started for my sister awhile ago. It'll be on my blog when I finish it if you're curious :)
Great Give away!!! I heart scraps...bits of happyness
love the heather ross scraps! I'm working on gifts-- monogramming a lot of great bags that I picked up for a song at the container store this summer.
Hello, I'm from Indiana
I'm making a Christmas skirt right now (it's laid out on the floor in the hallway at the moment)
I am from St. Paul MN. I love those scraps! Right now I am making Christmas ornaments for my nieces.
I LOVE the scraps you have there. ORANGE is my favorite color and it is so under appreciated. I am commenting from Portsmouth, VA and this week I am finishing up a wall hanging for my SIL and hopefully a quilt for my MIL.
I'm working on a ridiculous little vintage doorhanger for my bathroom, which includes Santa letting you know whether or not the room is occupied.
THanks for participating!
I'm just finishing up a scrappy wreath, and next is refashioning some knee socks into babylegs for my daughters.
I'm living in Toronto, Ontario!
Thanks for the giveaway...
Oh wow, i love the tags! And the extra fabric would be wonderful! Count me in please.
Happy Holidays!
This week I'm working on a backpack for my son. Hopefully I'll finish it up so I can move on to other projects!
I'm from a small town in North Florida--think jeans and boots, not flip flops and bikinis! I'm working on Christmas presents--got a lot to go--a quilt to be quilted, hat and scarf to knit, laptop case to make, etc, etc...
Hi there. I'm from the Mile High City and I've been busy making pendants, scarves, and other items for a craft show tomorrow.
I'm in Vancouver, BC, Canada. this week I'm finishing up some knit socks for my mum for xmas.
I love your figgy pudding quilt top! I am from Canada and this week I am working on Christmas PJs for my nephews.
Love the scraps. I am working on a number of things. I am finishing my mom's christmas quilt. I am also making my 4 kids matching christmas outfits!! Fun stuff!!
I am from kentucky and this week so far I haveb't made anything because I have been busy, busy, busy. Flu shots, and shampooing the carpet, putting up christmas ornaments and tree. But I am going to start making things for christmas. I seen these really cool magazine gift bags on threadbanger.com
I also want to make some fabric buckets for organization.
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