a set of 5 Figgy Pudding fabric gift tags. The fabrics are machine-sewn onto the gift tags with varied decorative stitches.

I'm also giving away this pile of scraps leftover from a couple projects I made this year. There are a lot of Heather Ross mendocino scraps, including seahorses, mermaids, octopi, kelp stripe, and swim class. I am also including some hand dyed fabrics as well as a few other scraps of coordinating aquas, oranges, and browns.
All you need to do to be entered to win is leave a comment on this post. I'd love it if you take a minute to tell me where you are and what you're making this week. Or just anything about yourself.
Comments will be closed sometime in the evening on December 6 and I will choose the winners with the help of random.org then.
While you're here, take a look over there to the right and check out my tutorials. I have several quilting tutorials, including how to do quilt basting, free motion quilting, and binding. I also have a tutorial for making a t-shirt charm pack dress and easy kids' capes.
Thanks for stopping by!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 303 of 303 Newer› Newest»Love your scraps! I am working on a blue and orange fish themed quilt for my daughter so they would be perfect (well, still at the acquisition phase on this one). This week I started knitting a shawl called travelling woman and am cutting out a jumper from an Ottobre issue for my younger daughter.
I live in New Hampshire - and I am finishing up some blocks for a swap and putting together a quilt for my quilt guild - it is a comfort quilt which we give away...
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
Those tags are gorgeous, and I have been collecting Mendocino recently. I am actually trying to finish up my nine-patch quilt-along (round one) from Amanda Jean's blog. It just needs the binding put on. And I'm making three quiet books for Christmas gifts.
I'm from Quebec-city, Canada. This week I am working on my mother's Christmas present, a travel bag. We're also redoing our basement, so lots of painting going on!
I am from Texas and this week I am in the middle of two baby quilts, christmas placemats, and 4 rag quilts for the grt-nephews! Thanks for the give-away!!
Wonderful prizes! I'm in rural eastern Oregon and trying frantically to finish my Christmas gifts. This giveaway is too much fun, though :) I'll get back to sewing soon! Thank you for the giveaway. alusco(at)centurytel(dot)net
I'm from northern california. This week I am working on knitting my 4mo old some pants.
I'm from Lisbon, Portugal. I'm not making anything, except holiday food this week. I love the colors on your scraps.
I'm in Richmond, Kansas, and this week I will be making lots of cookies for a cookie exchange! plus hopefully fitting in some sewing time to make a few notebooks.
Hey Vicki! Just wanted to say thanks for the good ideas for the trim I got from the thrift store:) I will definitely do a giveaway soon and put a boatload of it in the mix!
Oh and your scraps - wonderful! Crossing my fingers here in NH!!!
hello from Vancouver, BC Canada.
This week I am trying to give my sewing machine a rest which means I will likely start a new knitting project because it is getting really chilly out there and my ears need some coziness.
Love the tags! love the scraps!! I'm working on bags this week.
I am from Upstate NY, I am knitting hats and sweaters for my family, and making my toddler a quilt.
Love the tutorials, thanks for the giveaway!
Hi there! I would love to win your giveaway - great stash!
I'm Kaye and I'm from Toronto, Ontario Canada. This week I'm working on a Christmas quilt for my Mum, and I'm making disappearing nine patch blocks to help out those affected by the floods in Ireland (check out the story on my blog if you'd like)!
I'm in NH, and I have a couple of small quilts that I have to finish for Xmas.
I love your scraps!!
thanks for the great giveaway!
i ADORE those scraps! fun idea for the gift tags too! i love those old tags.
i'm from portland, OR and i just got back from walking my dog. we found 80 chewy sticks (i.e. rawhides) on our porch when we returned. he is a very happy (and well-supplied!) dog. i need to go tape and mud my bathroom, which just got drywalled. and i'm dreaming about going home for christmas and having time and space to sew!
I'm in Nashville, TN and I'm not doing any projects this week. Both the baby and I have been sick so we are taking it easy. Just trying to keep the house clean.
I'm in Massachusetts :)
Right now what I should be working on instead of checking out all of these great giveaways is making a birthday gift that is supposed to be in a car driving to Delaware tomorrow morning. It's a scrappy doggie bed & I'm also supposed to be writing up a tutorial on it.
Maybe just a couple more giveaways first...
Hi, I'm from northern Germany!
Currently I'm trying to finish a set of placemats, which will be a Christmas gift, and some totes which wil be used for wrapping gifts.
I am from Las Vegas, and well what happens here stays here. No? Well I have kids and baby quilts begging to be quilted this weekend. I think I am going to try and make some of you fancy fabric tags. Mine won't be stitch so fancy though. thanks for the chance to win. I love your scraps!
cute tags, great scraps! happy giveaway day! here's mine http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2009/12/the-gift-box-a-giveaway/
I'm from New Zealand
This week I'm making a bag for a Secret Santa, and napkins and a tablecloth for our Southern Hemisphere Summer Christmas using kiwi fabrics.
I'm from NJ and I'm finishing the crown for my daughters first birthday party! I also wanted to tell you I am adding you to my google reader after I post this comment!
Great give-a-way. I am from Florence, AZ. I have two rag quilts in progress, bibs cut needing to be sewn, burp rags cut needing to be sewn, quilted list takers cut needing to be assembled, and a few more things, I just don't know when to stop. Thanks for the give-a-way.
Hi from Austria. It's snowing here, finally! =) I'll be doing some clothes sewing for my family - hopefully they like it!
Hi! Lovely giveaway!! I love orange, so those scraps are just meant for me :-D
I'm from Barcelona, I work in a library, I love reading and sewing and knitting and embroidering, and I'm going to spend this coming weekend (starting Sunday, since I have to work tomorrow), on crafty Christmasy projects!
Thanks for the chance to win :-)
I'm working on new stockings for the family, and some christmas ornaments to give away.
I'm from NC and currently working on two baby doll quilts (and a PhD in marine science ;) The Heather Ross fabric is one of my favorite lines!
I love scraps -- and have a habit of keeping (and using, eventually) every last one, even if they're an inch square. It kills me to throw away precious fabric.
Just finished a queen-sized string quilt and now I'm onto ornaments for friends. If I don't get distracted by my piles of fabric and notebook full of quilt ideas/quilts in progress ...
LOVE those gift tags! Clever girl!
I'm from Oklahoma! I'm making aromatherapy rice bags as Christmas gifts for friends and family.
Thank you for participating in the giveaway!
Love the scraps, just the thing I like to work with. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi from Sue Cahill in Niagara Falls NY.
I'm working on Project Linus quilts, I try to make 2 a month.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Wow, I love the scraps you're giving away. Thanks! I'm making reusable drawstring bags to "wrap" my Holiday gifts in Durham, North Carolina.
I'm in Buffalo, NY, trying to piece together a variety of christmas and birthday presents-knitted, sewn, you name it!
I'm from Tacoma, WA moving to South Carolina in a few weeks!
I'm from Arizona. I just learned how to knit, so I am practicing that.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I'm in Nova Scotia. Right now I am working on needle felted childrens sweaters
Lovely! I'm from Ottawa, but we're driving to and from Toronto this weekend, so I'm going to be working on the scarf I'm knitting for my mom while we're in the car!
I am an OK grandma who would love the scraps for the baby quilts I make to giveaway.
What pretty scraps! I'm from Erie, CO, and I'm making a pile of purses this week for holiday gifts.
I'm in Austin TX and working on homemade vanilla to give as gifts this year! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hello from Newfoundland, Canada! This week I am painting Santa Claus faces on scallop shells. They're going to be cute stocking stuffers! If you like, you can see one (on a clam shell) over on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win! :)
I live in Indiana - love the midwest!
What a great giveaway! Thanks so much!
If I should happen to win, please email me so I'll know. elizabethdaming(at)yahoo(dot)com
I'm finishing a clutch for my mom's birthday, I'm also making a tote for myself and calendars for Christmas gifts!
I'm from Singapore :) Happy holidays!
I'm in Finland. This week I'm knitting a pair of fingerless gloves and tomorrow we'll be making a gingerbread house.
Hello from VA! I am working on pillows, an Advent ornament project with the kids, and Christmas cards. Fun scrap colors!
I'm Amy from MA. I am making felted eyeglass cases this week for Christmas gifts. I'm also baking batches of Christmas cookies and popping them in the freezer. The gift tags are a great idea and I would love to get my hands on those scraps!
Oh, I'd love to win those scraps.
My name's Chris and I'm from San Francisco. This week, I'm frantically knitting away on this shawl for my mom for Christmas: http://www.interweaveknits.com/galleries/bonus/spiring-2009/Fountain-Pen-Shawl.asp
I am in Georgia but I am a Kansas girl . We are a military family. I grew up in Southeast Kansas. We plan to retire there when we are done with our military career. Right now I am busy working on my many Christmas gifts I am making for my family. Most of my ideas have come from all the great blogs I have been reading the past few months. I would love to win one of your great prizes.
I am from Wisconsin!
Ilove those tags, i made up little fabric tags like that last year to go on all my handmade presents I gave.
I am working on making up some christmas gifts- crayon booklets, soft dolls and a teepee for my kiddos :)
What a totally CUTE idea! Soon as the eye doc gives me the release, I'm back to making quilts and fleece throws.
I'm in northern California, and it has been warm until this week. It finally feels like a change in season! dhippo at mac dot com
Love the tags. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I am a homeschooling mom of 16 years. I have five children from ages 21 months to 21 years.
I am also having a giveaway; so be sure and stop by my blogs. I have two, one for sewing and one for art. www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com and www.artisticcreationswithtrudy.blogspot.com
My 9 year old daughter is also having a giveaway on her sewing blog. Hers is www.sewingsister.blogspot.com
trudy dot callan at gmail dot com
so pretty!!
Your tutorials are constantly saving me:) This week is Christmas presents-scarves, princess crowns and wands, wristlets, and hopefully some pants for the always-growing 3 year old!!
I'm from
oregon. I'm currently making pajamas (for Christmas eve) a Christmas dress and skirt, and knitting 5 cowls as gifts.
Hi there! I'm from Oregon! I'm making a tiny doll quilt for my sis for christmas. :)
oh boy oh boy, would i ever love those scraps! thanks for the opportunity to enter! :)
i'm from mt vernon, wa, home of the tulip festival... just recently moved back home from western washington university in bellingham.
this week i've finished my first quilt commission and have that pressed and ready to go, adn now am trying to lay out about 360 little signature squares from the International Siggy Swap into some viable pattern for my first siggy quilt.
cheers :)
sarita0818 at comcast dot net
Hi! I'm from Northwest Washington. This week I'm making bottle cap magnets and sock monkeys! Thanks for the great giveaway! :)
I am from Portland, Ore. I just finished up another Weekender bag (my 3rd) and am sewing some sleep masks for a swap.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have dolly clothes to make and a quick apron or two. Thanks for the giveaway!! I'm in FL. relearning how to sew after all these years. My lil' big girl (well, she is almost 3) is the biggest inspiration in all of that...hadn't sewed in years 'til recently. Thanks for the great giveaway! Merry Christmas
Hi Vicki
I'm Viv in New Zealand. I'm quilting a few quilts this week, trying to finish some as part of my New Year's Challenge. One of them has been sitting around over a year now.
Love you giveaway, oh what i'd give to win your scraps. I have just used the very last of my mendocino, we can't get it here in NZ, so have to buy internationally. Such a pain :-(
The gift tags are very nice too.
Happy holidays.
Those gift tags are absolutely precious! I'm in Northwest Georgia, and working on scarves for Christmas gifts. :)
I love your giveaway and I am excited. I am in Austin Texas but from New Orleans and miss it often. I am a social worker who crafts as much as possible... which is all the time since I work at home..... I would love to work on some yoyos and and small quilted covers with those scraps... and I love your decorative stitching.... I am not able to do that yet!
great great giveaway!
yes you are tooooo kind :)))
I love scraps :) I'm from Coimbra in Portugal!!
please count me in!!
and go to my blog
I’m hosting this giveaway too :))
HUGS from Portugal :)))
Wooooooo, lovely giveaway. I'm trying to finish a Christmas tree skirt that I started a while back!
Hello from ON, Canada!
Love those Mendocino scraps :D
I have a lot of holiday gift projects on the go, including a few embroidery pieces and throw pillows.
Very nice! I am in Texas. This week I am making samples of my bag patterns for local quilt shops!
hi! entering contests is such fun... i was looking for your cape tutorial and i can't seem to find it would you be able to send me a link to it?
love the scraps! I'm from Mississippi, and currently am painting a nutcracker to add to my decorations!
I'm from Portland, Oregon! but I'm living in Cali right now.
I will be making dinner this week and hopefully more than one baby blanket.
The gift tags are cute! And I'm sure I could find SOMETHING to use the scraps on- they're from an awesome line!
Hello from northeast Ohio! I'm working on too many things to count right now!
Those scraps are wonderful--scraps are my favorite thing to work with! I am Liz from Maine and this week I am working on stuff for my second of two craft fairs this year. My first one on Friday was a success, and I need to make more bibs, pouches, crayon rolls, and gift card wallets. I like to make them all from leftover fabrics and thrifted sheets and fabric.
Thanks for the chance at your giveaway!
Love the gift tags!
I'm from Indiana..currently finishing up my Christmas tree skirt and crocheting a baby blanket!
Hello from another Kansas quilter. Come see my blog too! Your giveaway is lovely and I sure would like to win. I love Heather Ross. I'm also having a giveaway. Bless you!
What a sweet giveaway. I'm working on some kniited hats, and a baby quilt for a friend. And fabric gift bags instead of wrapping paper. And trying to decide if I can squeeze in a quilt for my sister...
I'm from the west coast and working on pajama pants for the kids for Christmas.
Hi :D I'm Anna, a medstudent living in Holland. I got my first sewingmachine about a week ago, went through the first 25 years of my life without being allowed to even touch, and I've been having loads of fun with it so far. My goal is to make a stuffed elephant for my niece-to-be and since my sister's due in about 3 weeks I've been practicing every spare minute I've got. Your scraps would be perfect for it, since I've been thinking about giving it a patchwork look and it's really hard to find pretty fabrics for a good price without having to buy huge amounts here :(
I am currently making a Kindle cover as a gift. Thanks for the chance to win!
Love the tags and the fabric scraps - the scraps will be great for a spring table runner I am planning. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love your site! I'll be adding it to my reader. this week... well, this week I'm making aprons for friends from cooking class :)
Thanks for a great giveaway....I love to work with scraps! I live in E TN.
I am working on a doll and a baby quilt. :) laurakwebb@gmail.com
Congrats on the sewing machine...I want one under my tree! Thanks for the chance....
Hi,I'm from Ontario, Canada! I LOVE scraps, and scrappy projects of all kinds. Am currently making lots of tote bags to give away as gifts this Christmas. Thanks for the giveaway!
susanne dot ruder at gmail dot com
Fun scraps! I've been making some felt food for my son for Christmas.
This week I'm working on finishing costumes for my two nieces for Christmas. They're turning out pretty cute!
I'm from Quebec the french speaking part of Canada. I'm actually making a quilt for my daughter. I finish writing my doctorate thesis last week about the hippocampus, a brain structure... So I have a little something special for de Mendocino collection and for the seahorses...
Thanks for the great giveaway! Happy holidays!
misszucchini at yahoo dot ca
Thanks so much for the chance! This week I'd love to have time to work on teacher gifts, covered notebooks.
I'm in Atlanta, GA and I'm currently making a bedpocket.
Love those Mendicino scraps! I'm from BC, Canada.
Fun! I'm from WA and I'm working on an advent calendar..yeah, guess that should be done already!
seemommysew @ gmailDOTcom
Hi I'm Karen from Yorkshire in the UK.
At the moment I seem to be working on lots of projects. It's just that time of year lol.
Some soft toys for the school fayre
2 quilts on the go (ORB round 1 still)
2 quilts in the pipelines
Christmas gifts - Nintendo DS cases, Amy Butler Swing bag and more, lol
I a in Massachusetts, US and I am working on ornaments and a couple of gifts this week!
Love the fabrics! Not making anything this week :( THanks for the chance to win :)
rollerskates at gmail dot com
Hi! I'm currently trying to fashion a custom amp cover out of oilcloth for my husband's birthday, this coming Friday. And also a Christmas skirt for my daughter who turns three on Thursday!
I just love your fabric. I am from the SW. And this week I am working on some scarves and hats for a craft fair. :)
I'm in the Kansas City area this week. (And most weeks too!) I purchased some fabric to make a few christmas presents this week. Hopefully I'll be able to start them soon.
I love the orange and blues together - how lovely! my name is crissy and I live near Seattle, WA. I am working on my little girl's Christmas dress this week!
please check out my giveaway if you get the chance! http://crissybell.blogspot.com
Awesome giveaway! I am working on a Heather Ross coin quilt and those scraps would be perfecto! I am also working on a selvage quilt this week using 3 sisters Martinique fabric that I picked up in a Moda scrap bag--just fab. Thanks so much!
Thank you for a chance to win! I am in Colorado Springs, CO. I am currently working on a baby quilt for a friends 1st kiddo. Hope to have it completed before the little girl makes her arrival! Due date 1/1/10!
I'm working on a table topper for our guild's silent auction.
derby, ks
knitting a scarf right now!
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