Monday, May 17, 2010

It's May Giveaway Day!

Happy Giveaway Day!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I have a few vintage sheet goodies that I hope one lucky winner will really enjoy!
My giveaway includes the following:
*one half of a fitted Rainbow Brite sheet (I couldn't bear to give the whole thing away, really I still might use it someday, right?)
*two vintage sheet fat quarters
*one charm pack of 40, 5-inch vintage sheet squares

Here's another photo of the sheet:
I tucked under the edges in this photo to make it look a little more neat--so you'll be getting a bit more than what you see here.
The charm pack includes almost all of the fabrics I used in this quilt top (plus a few that weren't):
There are about 5 duplicate prints in the charm pack.

I am willing to ship internationally, and you can enter until May 20. If you'd like to enter, please just leave a comment below! Please make sure your email address is available in your blogger profile or include it in your comment, please.


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Tong said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway, I love vintage sheets and those beautiful pastel colours are so calming!

DangAndBlast! said...

yay rainbow brite! I remember her when I was little!

Miss Shelly said...

If I win will you make me something with all those lovely fabrics? Heh.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win thanks for the give a way

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

I love the vintage sheets and have not yet found any at local thrift shops.

Katrin said...

I love vintage fabric! I hope to win!

Anonymous said...

I loved your quilt when you first posted it and I would *love* to win those gorgeous vintage sheet bits!

happy said...

Thanks for this great giveaway! and make this international so I can participate.

amy said...

Funny, I'm the same way with my vintage's (almost) more fun to think about the possibilities vs. actually using it!

I'd love to make my new niece a quilt out of vintage sheets.

Thanks for the giveaway!

KaHolly said...

What a wonderful and fun give-away!! Count me in! I will make a comfort quilt for a wee one from our village who is facing medical issues if my name is picked. ~karen

Luv 2 Kreate said...

I love Rainbow Bright!

Corrie said...

Rainbow Brite sheets! You can definitely send those my way!

Jessica said...

wow, rainbow brite! i love the vintage sheets..thanks for a great giveaway.

rockgranny said...

Lovely fabrics, I'll be very happy if I win.
Keep sewing & smiling

Jessica said...

I totally had those rainbow bright sheets (and strawberry shortcake). I wonder if my mom has them around somewhere????:) Maybe I should just win yours!!

Monica B said...

I loved Rainbow Brite when I was little! Thank you for giving this away!

MB said...

I love the vintage giveaway! Thank you! I hope I win! I remember watching Rainbow Brite at slumber parties when I was younger!

sookhyun said...

thanks for the giveaway! the fabric is gorgeous! i adore your blog :)

lesthook said...

I love vintage sheets!

Johanna said...

I love vintage sheets! Thank you for this generous giveaway, I love it!

Tania said...

Oh I would have so much fun with this!

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the fantastic giveawy! I had those Rainbow Brite sheets when I was a kid and am really sad that my parents finally got around to cleaning out their linens because they got rid of them :-(

Katie Bishop said...

I love the vintage sheets...but I must have the rainbow brite! My favorite!

Taya@TypeB said...

What a great giveaway! I haven't worked with vintage sheets before but I'd love to give it a shot. Thanks!

smarti said...

Rainbow Brite! My momma tried to make me a Rainbow Brite doll for Christmas one year when I was young. She never was able to finish it (she was a single mom who worked shift work at a hospital). There might still be a yellow yarn-haired naked doll in a box somewhere!

Mika said...

OMG Rainbow Brite! Rainbow Brite! Rainbow Brite!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her (yes showing my age, but whatever, I have a daughter now lol). SQUEE!

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in!

Amapanther said...


escuishi (at)

Anonymous said...

I had those sheets as a little girl. Wow, I should have kept the sheets my mom and I just gave to Goodwill in December from my gma's apartment. (They had not been taken care of)

quiltytherapy at


Audrie said...

Rainbow Brite is the awesomest!!! I was just talking about her to my hubs the other day and he wasn't very interested lol

fieryone said...

OMG! I love Rainbow brite! No idea what I would do with except treasure it and call it my preciousssss

Kathy MacKie said...

I'm throwing my name into the giveaway draw and hope I come up a winner! Thanks for the chance on more fabric treats!

Kaitlyn said...

Yep, add me in for this one. It couldn't be more fitting for me since my last name is Bright. I have a little girl too. Double BINGO!

Annette said...

Vicki, I'd love to get my hands on some vintage sheets. Great giveaway!

Crystal said...

I would love this charm pack to make a cute quilt for my little girl. She would love it.


Unknown said...

This is a great giveaway! The fabrics are so fun, especially rainbow brite!

Xaleyn said...

I absolutely love your blog!


Unknown said...

lovely! I'm crossing my fingers.

kelliemorgan said...

You had me at Vintage and Rainbow Brite! Thanks!

Emma said...

Wow...Rainbow Bright...I'd love to have that sheet! No clue what it'd become, but so awesome!

emmafreester [at] gmail [dot] com

Erin M. said...

That log cabin is really cute. My girl would love it. Today I've had a bunch of fun typing, clicking and entering. Thanks for your participation.

Sarah said...

Rainbow Brite?! Are you kidding me! LOVE! I found a Teddy Ruxpin sheet thrifting one time and I'm hoarding it for the perfect inspiration! Awesome giveaway!

Eema-le said...

Rainbow Bright and vintage sheets! Thank you so much. Great giveaway.

Barb said...

What a cute quilt that will make, thanks for this giveaway!

Branka said...

Thanks for making this an international giveaway!

Jennifer said...

Ahhh childhood memories! What a great giveaway! Thanks!

Danielle said...

Oooooh, I love vintage sheets! Pick me! Thank you for giving us a chance to win something so coveted.

ktquilts said...

Yay!!!! Great giveaway!!



Jacqueline said...

How sweet and romantic --- pls enter me

Jingle said...

For reals???? You are actually offering a RAINBOW BRIGHT sheet???? *swoon!!!* That is absolutely awesome. And the other stuff is fantastic, too! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Robin said...

oh wow! Rainbow bright rocks!! I would love to have this!!

Gill said...

Great giveaway - I love vintage fabrics!!


Cathy said...

The Rainbow Brite sheet brought back so many childhood memories.

I♥thesecrazykids said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love this new trend toward vintage linens!!! I'm collecting to create a string quilt top of my own :)
Thank you for the chance to win!

The Wilson's said...

Thanks for doing this giveaway! I have never made a quilt with vintage sheets...I am soooo excited to try!

Allison said...

that quilt top is gorgeous! definitely inspiration for me. i'm collecting sheets to make a quilt.

i love rainbow brite and have since i was a kid. she's so fun.

Amanda Fetters said...

Gorgeous quilt top! I love vintage sheets so much. Count me in! I'm giving away VS today too - hop on by if you want a gander - Thanks!

Amy said...

I about died when I saw that Rainbow Brite fabric! I loove her! You are awesome!

Bunny B said...

I love Rainbow Brite. My childhood friend! :)
bunnybx at gmail . com

Sarah said...

you just made my day. I loved Rainbow Brite as a child :D I have the movie on DVD, a pirated DVD of all the TV episodes (only because they aren't available.. ) and ... a Patty O'Green, Canary Yellow, Red Butler, Rainbow Brite, Twink and.. starlight stuffed animals.. I cannot express how much fun I would have with this fabric :D

The Schachts said...

Oh, I loved Rainbow Brite as a little girl!!! What a cute skirt that would make for my little one and beautiful charm pack! I love that quilt!
Thanks for your generosity!

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

How pretty are those vintage sheets!
Would love to win :-)

Georgia and David said...

Oh how I loved Rainbow Brite!! The possibilities with that sheet are endless. Thanks for the giveaway!

Aimee said...

I'm not sure how you're managing to give up even half of that Rainbow Brite sheet. It would make a great base for a quilt for a little girl. Please count me in. Thanks!


Jessica said...

I love Rainbow Brite! Pretty sure I had sheets similar to that when I was a little girl!

jesslinq at gmail dot com

Janessa said...

I NEED THIS!!! I LOVE RAINBOW BRITE! AWESOME giveaway!! you rock! I hope i win!!!!!!!

flygirl07 said...

so cute! I love Rainbow Bright!
mjwebhome (at) yahoo (dot) com

Kacey said...

ahhh! i love it!

kaceykendrickwagner {at}

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Beautiful vintage! Thanks.

Amanda ~ A Crafty Fox said...

i love your log cabin quilt! it is adorable!

Skooks said...

rainbow brite?! count me in!!


Joanna said...

I have been scouring our locals thrift stores for vintage sheets to no avail! What's up with the North East and their lack of vintage sheets?!! This would be a wonderful start to my hopeful collection!

sew happy Stacy said...

I love Rainbow Bright! That is so much fun!!!

Isabel said...

I love the fabrics! Thanks so much for the giveaway.

bytesizedpieces (at)

A said...

Lovely giveaway thanks

Unknown said...

What a fantastic give away! Here's hoping I win! I'm at meg(dot)thurgood(at)gmail(dot)com.

MaryAnne said...

Fabulous fabric, I'd love to win this!

thriftycraftmama at gmail dot com

A Joyful Chaos said...

So pretty! i would be thrilled to be the winner!

sauberfrau said...

I really love these vintage fabrics. Thanks for this giveaway.

Little Miss S. said...

I love vintage fabric sheets. And then with a pony and rainbows. I'm speechless...

Rhian said...

Rainbow Brite! What a blast from my past - I used to love her when I was a little girl! I'm now inspired to search my parents home to see if they've kept any of my clothes/bed sheets from my childhood for use in projets!

JenB said...

I think I had those sheets! I at least had the Rainbow Brite curtains :-)

degood said...

Oh my! I love rainbow brite. Where did you ever find this? What a fun quilt that could make!

Unknown said...

Brings back some memories :)

Fun give away!

Would love to be in the running! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous vintage sheeting, thanks for a lovely giveaway.

JillyBeanJar said...

I love that sheet!

merlinthecat said...

I love your giveaways! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Sarah A. said...

Rainbow Brite is super awesome. I still have my doll from when I was a kid.

Liz said...

So cute! I would love to make something from these!

Gale, Ky quilter said...

What a great giveaway! I love vintage sheets and the quilt you made is beautiful. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

OMG I had Rainbow Brite sheets!!! How cool is that. I think I would have to make myself a really, really vintage quilt bag to show my age if I won that. And to think I came over here looking for bits of pretty floral vintage sheets for my quilt... :)

Tanya said...

Rainbow Brite! I think I have doll of her upstairs packed away!

Betty Rockit said...

OMG RAINBOW BRITE I JUST DIED!!! I love it!!!!! I think I want this more than anything ever. lol.

bettyrockit at gmail dot com

Mary said...

It is my mission today to win some vintage sheets. I love them!
Come check out my giveaway too.

marytini at hotmail dot com

smooze13 said...

I love vintage sheets. and yes, the rainbow brite is awesome!

Dresden Quilter said...

I love your quilt and remember Rainbow Brite fondly. I need to start a vintage sheet stash. Thanks for the giveaway.

dana said...

oh my gosh i NEED the rainbow brite fabric. NEED.

Unknown said...

id love the vintage fabric!!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that I am the lucky winner of these wonderful vintage fabrics you are so generously giving away!

Jenny said...

thanks for a chance Vicki! you always have something fun going on here at your blog!

Lisa said...

Such a fun prize! Thanks for the opportunity. lisawoj at hotmail dot com

n.clark said...

Fun fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway!

Tawny said...

Rainbow Brite! Wow that takes me back! i used to love her, but the dolls were so expensive that I never could convince my parents to get me one :( I'd certainly put the fabric to great use if I win :)

Bellgirl said...

What a lovely collection! I would make a disappearing nine patch quilt for my next niece/nephew, and perhaps a bird mobile from any leftover squares. Thanks for the giveaway! amo [at] zoic (dot) org

Cotton Kiwi said...

Oh please let me win!! My neice is trying for a baby and she is the biggest rainbow brite fan. I would love to be able to make her a baby quilt using the sheet. Great blog by the way!

CalleLillyCafe said...

OMG! I SEW LOVE this giveaway!! You rock! =)


Lynne said...

I love vintage fabrics! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

Wow what a fabulous giveaway. Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway Day. And thanks for entering me :-)

Deb said...

My kids had everything Rainbow Bright when they were growing up. I would love to win those vintage fabrics.

Unknown said...

I love the vintage quilt.

throuthehaze said...

*gasp* Rainbow Brite!!! I love it!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Foot Loose and Fancy Free said...

Thanks for the offering. Great colors. I love these prints. Sandra Lister

Bethany said...

ohh rainbow brite brings me back to my!!!

D'Anne said...

Rainbow Brite!! I loved her. What an awesome giveaway.

Tricia said...

Rainbow Brite!? No way! Love it! Thanks for offering a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I love the vintage sheets!The rainbow brite would make adorable kids aprons!

Ruth said...

My 20 year old daughter has requested a vintage sheet quilt for her birthday in December, and so now I need to grow my sheet collection. I hope I win! :) Thank you for giving the chance.

GigiElle said...

Oh my goodness - I have a friend who would LOVE for me to make her a Rainbow Brite pillow. Her apartment color scheme is 'deconstructed Rainbow Brite' and this would be perfect for her!

Marcia W. said...

This is a lovely collection of fabrics and vintage sheets. Thank you for this giveaway. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Bingaling said...

Rainbow Brite!! Yay! What a great giveaway! And, I've been wanting to start a vintage sheet stash...

Shannon said...

Rainbow Brite! I loved her, but my parents didn't like to buy branded toys, so I never got to have anything Rainboy Brite. Or Strawberry Shortcake. Poor me.

Rachel Slote-Brown said...

I love the Rainbow Brite! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Urban Crunch said...

Shut. The. Front. Door. That Rainbow Brite sheet really takes me back! Ack, I love it!

Thanks for the great giveaway,

Kate said...

This is my type of giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win these treasures.

Firesong said...

Thank you for this great giveaway. I have to say I love your placemat quilt swap 3. I especially love the quilting on it.

Rachel said...

So fun!! I loved Rainbow Brite! My email is Thanks for the extremely fun giveaway!

Miss Prickly said...

I remember Rainbow Brite! What a lovely give-away.

Jennifer said...

Aaah Rainbow Brite! I love her! This would be wonderful for a little girl! I love it!

craftytammie said...

oh, rainbow brite! that brings back memories!

Seaside Siblings said...

Great giveaway! Would love to be the lucky winner!

Lynds said...

Love your giveaway! I used to have Rainbow Brite Sheets growing up! That just made my day seeing that as your giveaway!

Lynds said...

Love your giveaway! I used to have Rainbow Brite Sheets growing up! That just made my day seeing that as your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Ooh - I have just a few vintage sheets - with this set I could make a simple quilt for the summer. Love it.

Crystal Hendrix said...

I remember Rainbow bright!! :D I used to watch her all the time! :D

zarina said...

I don't remember Rainbow bright but am so please that my 6-yo little people is loving strawberry shortcake (actually her mummmy is bringing back the love back)

Shelly said...

I love the rainbow bright! I would soooo love to make my daughter something from my past! I know she'd just adore it too! Pics to follow of whatever I make if I win!!


annag said...

fun fabric.
i love vintage fabric!

Christina said...

That Rainbow Brite sheet is out of this world! What a sweet thing to share.

Anonymous said...

I loved rainbow brite growing up, memories.

carrie said...

I adore vintage sheets! And that Rainbow Brite sheet is so fun. Thanks for the giveaway! :)


Jules@MoonCatFarms said...

I haven't see Rainbow Brite in decades!! Thanks so much for the chance to win this great prize package.

Katherine said...

Oh my goodness, I had Rainbow Brite when I was little, a million years ago... What a neat trip down memory lane. I've just started collecting vintage sheets and can't bear to cut them up (yet!). Cheers from New Zealand!

Serena said...

RAINBOW BRITE!!!! Yeeeee! Thank you!

Marianna said...

WOW! I used to LOVE rainbow brite! I had books and everything with her!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)


Unknown said...

Ack! You had me at Rainbow Brite. I've been wanting this fabric for a looong time. My daughter would love a little outfit made from this!
The other fabrics would be perfect for a quilt I'm envisioning for my new niece to be! :) I'm gonna be an aunt this August! Yeah!
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
rayamashita (at) yahoo (dot) com

mrsc1345 said...

My best friend and I grew up watching rainbow brite together, and now she is having a baby girl, I would shower her baby in rainbow brite love!! Do you know rainbow brite fabric is nearly non-existant? You can't turn around without seeing Strawberry Shortcake, but The Brite is sorely under-represented. I hope I win!!!

Jodz said...

What a great giveaway. YEY!

Susana said...

Hi! Thanks for a great giveaway! I love the quilt you made.

Ivona said...

Thanks for the nice giveaway! Greetings from Slovakia :-)

Liz said...

The vintage material has so many working with it.

Lauren said...

I had those rainbow bright sheets as a child. I was obsessed with the movie too. I wonder what my mom did with them? Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Oh what an awesome giveaway!

Shruti said...

The rainbow fabric is gorgeous!! my son loves colors and its perfect for his quilt!!!

Grace said...

Love the Rainbow Brite! Bringing back the memories!

Melissa said...

I love Rainbow Brite! I have such happy memories from watching that show when I was little. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jo Wyrosdick said...

My girls loved Rainbow Brite. Good memories. I would love to win and make something for my grandgirls!

Hilda said...

OH MY. I just had a baby girl and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE that rainbrow brite sheet!! Ahhh! Thanks for a great giveaway, I'm off to explore your blog some more!

Jodie said...

It's a long time since I've seen Rainbow Brite!! How cute! Thanks for a great giveaway.

kt said...

My daughter loves the rainbow sheet. Thanks for the chance to win.

Penelope said...

Ooooh so much beautifulness!!!

alissa222 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Wow, Rainbow Bright, what a flash back to the past!

Thank you for giving!

Unknown said...

Those are gorgeous fabrics your parting away with. I just managed to get myself squeezed into my first patchwork class and i already have so many ideas.....
iam truly inspired ..

Melissa Ann said...

This is a great giveaway. My sister would be all about that Rainbow Bright sheet. I think she'd end up with a purse from it :)

kathleen said...

beautiful quilt top, and I know it's oh so soft! And i had a rainbow brite, my little 3yo girly would love something made from that!

Jennifer McNichols said...

Um, these would be *perfect* for making one of the SIX quilts that my 5 year old daughter has requested from me!

andreak said...

I remember Rainbow Brite. The fabrics are lovely.

Dana Gaffney said...

I love that quilt you made with the fabrics, really nice. Thanks for the chance.

Fleurette said...

Beautiful quilt you made and lovely fabrics.

Nanbon44 said...

great fabrics

please enter me in your lovely giveaway thank you ladycolmn(at)aol(dot)com from Florida Gulf Coast area

Anonymous said...

Is Rainbow Brite vintage. That dates me then. My boys loved her! I'd love to have it and make my son something with it. He'd love it

Melinda said...

Oooh! I have some vintage Rainbow Brite Sprites fabric that would go so well with that sheet! And the charm pack is gorgeous!

Sara said...

Vintage is my kind of giveaway!! Thank you and Rainbow Brite at that yeay!!! :o

Simply Mangerchine said...

lovely vintage prints!


Meredith said...

Rainbow Brite!! That's AWESOME!!

Laura said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win great fabric!


Lichtlein said...

WOW, what a wonderful idea!
I'm deeply impressed.

Kind regards from Germany
Claudia alias

Unknown said...

OMG I loved Rainbow Brite when I was a little girl. I remember my 6th birthday party when I got her horse as my present! It almost breaks my heart to have you cut that sheet but I love it! seriously, it's kinda hurting! Love the rest of the fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway!

CraftyHourMom said...

Great giveaway! I loved my Rainbow Bright when I was 9!!

Kelly O. said...

great giveaway! crossing my fingers!

Cat G. said...

I am pretty sure I had those Rainbow Bright sheets when I was a kid! Thanks for the giveaway.


Morgan said...

Oooh, I think I had those RB sheets when I was little! Fantastic!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Nick said...

oh how i loved rainbow brite as a kid!

Anonymous said...

I heart rainbow brite.

Sarahby said...

Ohhh I love the vintage sheet ones :) great giveaway!

Shevvy said...

What a great giveaway. Someone will be very lucky!

rosemeg said...

Rainbow Brite! YES! Also, those vintage sheets are super pretty. Thanks for a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

yay for vintage! your quilt is simply amazing!

thanks so much for the chance to win!


Anonymous said...

I loved rainbow brite as a kid. It would be fun to make something for my daughter out of this.

Lisa said...

I am trying to collect enough bits of vintage floral sheets to make a picnic blanket. I love seeing them pop up everywhere. Thanks for the giveaway!

carmel said...

super great giveaway!
i love it!
thanks alot!!!

Carla said...

Awesome. I am soon going to be working on a vintage strawberry shortcake quilt from a comforter of my sisters. This can join the party!

Thanks for a chance to win your great giveaway!

carlamo (at) ymail (dot) com

Jess said...

Rainbow Brite! Oh, memories.
Thanks for your willingness to share her with us! I probably would have kept half if I were you, too!

Mama Lusco said...

Wonderful fabrics! Thanks for the great giveaway! luscofamily(at)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - I LOVED rainbow brite when I was little! thanks for letting us all explore your blog!

Simply EC said...

I used to have those sheets when I was little! I remember them SO well! My first bed in our new house was all Rainbow Bright! What a great giveaway! Thanks so much!

Jaime said...

Oh my gosh! Rainbow Brite was my FAVORITE!!! I am a total 80's child :) Thanks so much for the chance to win, love it all!

rollerskates at gmail dot com

Grace said...

Oh I can not believe it. Rainbow Brite! That just made my day. She was my favorite growing up. If I win I will have to think of something great for her : )

Anonymous said...

what a lovely suprise.(sheet) I love the quilt you made. you inspire me.

Erika said...

Oooh, I've been collecting old 80s cartoon sheets to make a quilt with and Rainbow Brite would be a great addition.

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