Saturday, July 03, 2010

Stacked Coin Doll Quilt

I thought I'd try out blogging from my phone. I had some time the other day to do the handsewing on the binding. It's going to the birthday girl tomorrow; I hope she likes it!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.3.9


amylouwhosews said... 1

super cute!! i love your header!

Crystal Hendrix said... 2

Very cute! I really need to make one of these! :D

Jacque. said... 3

Well, of course...she will LOVE it! Too dang cute!

shelia said... 4

well if she doesn't...i do!!!
darling :)

Jennifer Ann Fox said... 5

This is lovely!

I hope to try to quilt some small things for starters. Just got me a new 65 mm rotary cutter.....and got lots of fab too. Just got to get the courage.

This is a beautiful gift.......

Valorie said... 6

Love the website, you do beautiful work!

Faye said... 7

thats beautiful! and great job blogging from the phone. I'd rather see a post from the phone than nothing at all. I love your blog!

Quiltdivajulie said... 8

I understand you are left handed - please contact me re a hand binding question (I've developed arthritis in my right hand and need to retrain myself).


Unknown said... 9

Cute Vicki!