
Monday, September 27, 2010

UFO week, day 1

Welcome to my day 1 UFO report. 
Today I finished binding a quilt that I can't share yet, but it's been in the works for 5 months or so. It's a good feeling, finishing those last few binding stitches. I did a lot of it while watching the first episode of the new season of Bones... it was a good one.

And then I decided I needed to do more, so I threaded the serger and switched it over off rolled hem stitch to regular. (Here's my link to serger rolled hem tips if you want to give it a go! For lettuce edging on knits, use regular rolled hem settings but stretch your fabric as you sew! Try a little swatch first, too.) I sewed up these pajama bottoms for D.
skull camo pajama pants
I have to confess that I didn't press the seams on these--on almost any other woven clothing item it's really important to me to press the seams as you go to avoid that homemade (not in a good way) look. But for pajamas, they will be washed soon and then they'll look fine. I need to find my J-sized pattern and make a new pair of pj pants for J... there is a pajama day at school this week and we forgot about crazy hair day this morning (J wanted to participate, the big 5th grader apparently didn't care) so I want to make it up to him with cool new jammies.

I made progress on a couple of quilt projects today, too. I need to decide what to focus on first tomorrow! I have something easy to make that's a gift, I'll do that and then work on something I can blog about as well.

So here's the tally: I started at 15 UFOs, finished 2. But I found another one (darnit) so my total is now 14. Did any of you get some UFOs done today? Or worked on? Want to share just how many started projects you have going? hmm...

I spent time looking at various flickr groups today, thinking about things I'd like to make for people I love. I can't wait to start a couple of things as soon as my UFOs are mostly done!


  1. i actually got some UFO's quilted and ready for binding today...they are arm covers for my couch. they have been sitting waiting to be worked on for ages, and ages. im with you feels good.

  2. Woot! looking good! Crazy hair day - we do that too - my boys really could care less about it! ;-)

  3. Wow sounds like you're working hard! Didn't realize bones started again I'll have to catch up!

  4. I love Bones!!! We have seasons 1-4 on DVD just so I can watch them whenever I want :)
    I love the PJ's! I think I am going to make PJs for Christmas presents - do you have a good pattern you can point me too?
    Wonder what the quilt you are working on is?! Exciting!
    Good luck on the rest of UFO week!

  5. Keep up the great work;)


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