Thursday, February 16, 2012

Swoon progress

I've finished blocks 3 and 4 for my swoon quilt:

curio swoon block #3

curio swoon block #4

I love the grunge fabric (the yellow there if you don't know what I mean) that's in all of the Basic Grey fabric lines. So pretty. They have a really good green in this line, too.

Here are the 4 blocks I've finished so far:
first four swoon blocks
I like them better together than individually. I'm working on 5 and 6 today.

How's your week going? What are you working on?


Outback Crafter - Debra said...

Hi Vicki
These 'swoon' blocks are lovely. I am hoping to start mine soon.

Eileen said...

lovely vicki!! is this a quilt along? i love that yellow fabric, too.

Michelle said...

I love the fabric you're using - it's gorgeous!

Jan said...

They are fantastic. Love your fabric choices.

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Vicki -- these are just beautiful !

Thank you for sharing.


Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

Very nice Swoon blocks. I've got mine planned, but that is as far as I've gotten.

Well done. Can't wait to see the rest.

Jenn said...

I really love your choice of fabrics and colors - so unique!

Danny Heyen said...

Ugh. I SO want to swoon!

Lorilee said...

They look great! How many blocks total?

Anonymous said...


QuiltNut Creations said...

loving your blocks; I really must get my last one finished!

Elizabeth said...

LOVE your fabrics!

xo -E