Sunday, December 02, 2012

Giveaway Day!

Happy giveaway day! I'm going to keep this short and sweet since I know you want to visit all the excellent giveaways linked up over at Sew, Mama, Sew!

I'm giving away a PDF (electronic) copy of one of my two quilt patterns to one commenter. To enter, please leave a comment telling me your favorite item you've made this year. And which pattern you prefer if you win. The choices are:

Evergreen State (Christmas-y! Or not, try it in different colors.)
Evergreen State quilt

Or Ruffle Crush (cute ruffles, pattern includes two sizes of quilts.)

If you want more information about the patterns you can check them out at my Craftsy pattern store.

Also, if you are new to my blog, I just want to encourage you to bookmark/pin my blog and come back and check out my tutorials. I have a few clothing construction tutorials and quilting tutorials including how to baste, free-motion quilt, and bind your quilt.

Giveaway Details:

Giveaway will be open until December 7 at 5 p.m. PST.
Giveaway is open to everyone.
I will post the winner by December 9 and will email the pattern to the winner that day as well.
If you are a no-reply blogger, please make sure your email address is included in your comment so I can reach you if you win.

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck!

***Comments are now closed, winner TBA soon!***


Jenniffier said... 1

Thanks for the chance to win I would be interested in ruffle crush

Outback Crafter - Debra said... 2

Wow, as I have just purchased Ruffle Crush, I would love Evergreen State.
By far the favourite thing I have made this year would be my overnight bag (and it is also probably the thing I use the most too.)

Anonymous said... 3

They're both lovely. Thank you for a chance to win either.

Karen O said... 4

My favorite item this year was one of the monthly Schnibbles I made. It is a "T" baby quilt. I would love the 'tree' pattern.

Monica B said... 5

I'm working on a baby quilt for my cousin's baby and it's my favorite thing this year so far (and biggest!). I would love the ruffle quilt pattern! Thanks for doing a giveaway!

audrey said... 6

I love your Ruffle Crush quilt! :)

aiah23 said... 7

I like Evergreenstate better. My favorite thing I've made this year is my son's Christmas stocking. it combines my favorite Christmas fabric in my stash with an old-fashioned counted cross-stitch with embroidery pattern on evenweave. Complicated and lovely!


Anna said... 8

I like the Evergreen pattern. My boy's quilts have been my favourite makes this year. Thanks for the give away!

Carla G said... 9

I love the Evergreen State pattern the best! And I love the colors you used! :) My favorite project this year was a fancy shirt I made my son. It was a major challenge and I did get it done. :) Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Erin || said... 10

Thanks for hosting a giveaway! I've been pinning lots of quilting inspiration as I want to make my very first quilt soon! I would LOVE to win one of your patterns!


Sonia B said... 11

I made a HST quilt using warm/cool colors to create a diamond design . . . it is so bright and cheerful and I love snuggling under it. Beautiful quilts, Vicki! I love the Evergreen one. Thanks for the chance.

mtnquiltr said... 12

I always like the last thing I made best! I made two cushion covers with my gds art. So fun!
I'd love the Evergreen one. Thanks!

Kate said... 13

I haven't finished it yet, but am working on a cute giraffe-print nightgown for myself. Can't wait to finish it!

Jennifer said... 14

i'd love the evergreen, cute patterns!

KeriAnn said... 15

I just learned how to sew in October, so I've only made a few things. My favorite has been the valence curtain that I made for my bedroom because it was the first thing that I made for myself! I would LOVE the Evergreen State pattern. It is absolutely beautiful!

Jane S. said... 16

I love the Evergreen State pattern! We live on the edge of a tree farm so trees are some of my favorite things (plus, Seattle is a very cool place to visit). Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Julie said... 17

I finsihed a tshirt quilt for my daughter who left for first one!

Love the Evergreen State pattern...thanks for a fun giveaway!

And this would be . . . . said... 18

I love the evergreen state.

Unknown said... 19

Working on a baby quilt for my great nephew!!

Unknown said... 20

i just finished the top of a denim baby quilt, it's going to be backed with pink minky.
i think i'd have to pick the ruffle crush quilt pattern, my dd would love to pick fabric for it to match her newly painted bedroom

Sew Distracted said... 21

love the evergreen quilt :)

Katherine McNeese said... 22

love the evergreen quilt too

mjb said... 23

I love evergreen state!!!! Thanks for the chance:):)

Kathie said... 24

My favorite project is the christmas dress I just finished for my niece. And the pajamas I've been making my son from Sewing For Boys.

Eema-le said... 25

I'd love to win the ruffle pattern.

limor477 at aol dot com

Pippa Parsons said... 26

Evergreen state is yummy

Montseta - Montsecosecose said... 27

Love Evergreen! My favourite is the lap quilt I just made for my mother. Terrific giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!

Kim said... 28

Beautiful patterns! I love Evergreen State, but triangles have been my thing lately. Thanks for the chance to win!

Amy said... 29

I like Evergreen State. I am most proud of conquering my fear of curves this year!

VickiT said... 30

My favorite thing made this year was my first large quilt for the Quilting Gallery Beginner Quilt Along.

I have loved your Ruffle Crush quilt since you first showed that quilt way back in April. I would love to win that pattern and also Evergreen State as well. Both are great patterns. Thank you

Sally in WA said... 31

My favorite thing I've made this year is a batik quilt for one of my granddaughters. It is the first thing I have done with batiks.

If I win, I would like the Evergreen state pattern since I live in WA. It would be perfect for me. Plus I really like that modern pattern. I am really drawn to this style of quilting for sure!

Unknown said... 32

Totally love the triangle quilt pattern!!! What a fun giveaway!

Ebeth said... 33

I would love a chance at Evergreen. My favorite item this year was a Day of the Dead embroidery that I did. :)

Lwghosts at yahoo dot com

amy said... 34

i've been wanting that christmas tree pattern ever since i saw it!!

ThreadCatcher said... 35

Evergreen State for me! My favorite project this year was a flannel quilt for my son. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

Janeen said... 36

I love the Evergreen State pattern - I've been looking for a modern Christmas quilt, and this one is great! Count me in! project12quilts at gmail dot com.

Katie said... 37

I love that Evergreen State pattern. My favorite thing that I made this year was a hexagon quilt for my bf as an apartment warming gift. I made it in his favorite colors and even found fish fabric since he likes to fish!

JoyceLM said... 38

I made a baby quilt for my newest great nephew, named after my 92 year old Dad. Evergreen State is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway.

Suzanne said... 39

Hi I would love to win Evergreen State.
My favorite project was working on a quilt for my cousin who turned 30 this year and doctors never thought she would live this long due to a congenital heart defect! Technology is amazing!
Thanks for the chance to win!
suzanne dot jourdan at gmail dot com

bee said... 40

evergreen state is really neat

Kirsten said... 41

I really love the Evergreen state pattern!

Linda said... 42

I'd love to win the Evergreen State pattern. My favorite thing I made this year is a pair of pajama pants for my daughter - she calls them her warrior pants. Thanks for the chance to win.

hueisei said... 43

I love the Evergreen State pattern :D

vanaehsa said... 44

I love Evergreen State!
And the favourite thing i've done this year is the single girl quilt!

trudie said... 45

My favorite thing I made this year is a baby quilt with whales in the prints for a precious baby boy born to my daughter's best friend. He loves it!
I would love the Evergreen State pattern. Thanks for this chance to win.

Michele said... 46

I've made a bunch of AAQI quilts this year. They're always fun. I love Evergreen State

Beth said... 47

I would love evergreen state! My favorite thing I have made this year is an advent calendar.

Nancy in IN said... 48

Thanks for the giveaway. I love the Evergreen State.

Michelle said... 49

my fave item that i've made this year is a coat for my 5 year old daughter. i've never sewn coats (or things with sleeves!) before, and it was awesome to learn to do something new!

Sallie said... 50

A baby quilt using HSTs and a printed border. I'd choose Evergreen State. Thanks for the giveaway!

Shar said... 51

I think my favorite this years was the fannel quilt that I made. I really enjoyed piecing it.

Desi @ Wee Share said... 52

I like evergreen state.

I made my daughter a minnie mouse dress and we both LOVE it


Margaret said... 53

I finished the Groove quilt along that Pile O Fabric did earlier this year. It is huge because I made the queen size.

Shannyn said... 54

Thanks for the giveaway! I *love* Evergreen State.....thanks again!

Laura said... 55

My favorite item of the year was a quilt I made for my brother's graduations! I love Evergreen State!

CathyH said... 56

My favorite creation this year is a beach blanket I made, backed in denim. I love the Evergreen State pattern. Thanks for the giveaway!

Bethany said... 57

A shirt for myself..totally new to me. I love the ruffle quilt!

Theresa said... 58

Love the Evergreen pattern. My favorite was the alphabet quilt I made

Jen said... 59

I would love the Evergreen pattern. My favorite thing I've made is a quilt for my 3year old daughter.

Gabriele Yorlano said... 60

love the Evergreen State!

Patty said... 61

My favorite I made was a scarf. I learned how to knit!

Melziebelle said... 62

I would love the Tree pattern! My fave thing I've made this year? Some cute felt ornaments for a swap :) I haven't posted pics yet as we haven't swapped yet lol.

Lauren said... 63

Evergreen State is very pretty! I would love to win that. My favorite thing I've made so far- still a work in progress- my first completely handsewn quilt.

Jo said... 64

Evergreen State would be my choice. My favorite thing that I made this year was a Dresden turkey tablerunner

Vivian said... 65

My favourite thing I've made this year is my colour sampler quilt. It was a year in the making and I learned so much!

I love the ruffled quilt, I would never have thought to put a ruffle in, what a cute idea.

thanks for the chance.

Lindsay@fortheloveofcotton said... 66

My most favorite thing that I have made this year is a 40 x 40 quilted dog bed. I used Hometown by sweetwater and I had to make my own pillow form . It was a wonderful sense of accomplishment. I would love the Evergreen State quilt pattern.

SS said... 67

I would choose the Evergreen State pattern. My favorite thing I've made this year is a whole bunch of drawstring bags to use as gift wrap.

KellyS said... 68

I just finished my Solid Love quilt for me. It only took a year. LOL I would like the ruffle quilt pattern, thanks!

Heather A said... 69

The red/white/black/grey/oyster/ plus quilt I made for my 22 year old son for Christmas is my favourite project this year.

Your Evergreen State pattern is one I would love to work with.

Brooke @ little b quilts said... 70

I think I like Evergreen State the most, but it's soo close. That Ruffle Crush is so sweet!


Erin said... 71

I would love to win ruffle crush.
Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Unknown said... 72

I'm really happy with a hexies pillow I made because it was my first time with EPP. Thank you! I bookmarked your blog :)

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said... 73

LOVE Evergreen State - the triangle trees rock! So perfect for a Christmas quilt! Thanks for teh chance.

Vicki said... 74

Ooohh - they're both wonderful! I'm going to go with Ruffle Crush! Thanks for the chance. :)

Jodi said... 75

I love them both but I would have to go Ruffle Crush as I haven't seen anything like it before - it is so lovely and I am sure my little girl would love it.

Stephanie Zito said... 76

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I love both patterns but if I won I'd choose the Evergreen pattern! My most fave item I made this year was a quilt for my eldest daughter. I still have to baste, quilt and bind it but it's going to be hard to part with! It's made with Tula Pink's Nightshade line! Thanks again!

Breanna S. said... 77

I like evergreen state. It was a hard choice.

Jessica said... 78

Love both but will have to go with Evergreen State!

Reb Thack said... 79

I adore evergreen state :-)

Allison said... 80

I would love to win Evergreen State! My fav thing I've made this year? Hmmm, maybe pillowcases for my Mom & Dad :)

sandyandcosmo said... 81

My favorite project this year was a personalized birth announcement for my nephew. I love the Evergreen State pattern!

Unknown said... 82

Absolutely evergreen!

Josiex said... 83

My favourite thing this year, that's quite hard! I love the jelly roll floor pillows I've been making for the family, but I think my fave would have to be the set of matching dresses I've just finished for my daughter and her cousin, so cute! I'd love Ruffle crush... I'll make one for my daughter, and one for me, yay! :)

Judy said... 84

Love Ruffle Crush! My favorite item I made this year has to be hands down my daughter's Homecoming dress. Watching her with that dress on and seeing how happy it made her was the high light of all the work it took to get it done. Thanks for the chance.

Taryn V. said... 85

I'd prefer to win Evergreen. My favorite item I have made this year is my Weekender bag. I use it all the time!

Kathy H said... 86

I would pick evergreen state. The best thing I finished this year was my thanksgiving quilt, working on it for 3 years.

Heather said... 87

I love Evergreen State. I've made a bag this year that I'm pretty proud of.

adriprints said... 88

Thanks for the opportunity to win! Fave thing I made this year was my wool coat w/fuchsia lining. And, I find Evergreen State to be quite a fetching pattern.

Anonymous said... 89

I think I'd pick Ruffle Crush. My favorite make this year is a doll I made for my son.

Barbara O. said... 90

My favourite item I've made this year: the I-Spy boys' quilts for my sons. I pet them every day when I make their beds. :-)

Amanda said... 91

My favorite thing this year is the quilt I made for my little girl's bed...lots of pink and ruffles :)

I'd love Evergreen State>

Judy said... 92

I like ruffle crush. I'm working on a great Christmas quilt right now. But I just finished a table topper for my daughter using some scraps on one side and Thimbleberries on the other. It's definetely scrappy and will post pics on my blog tomorrow after I give it to her.

Mary Ann said... 93

I made my son's christmas stocking from felted wool. I love it! I would pick the evergreen pattern. So pretty!

Rebecca said... 94

LOVE the Ruffle Crush! I`m working on some throw pillows for my girls, and love how they`re turning out!

Tammy said... 95

I haven't finished much this year but I am very proud of the quilt that I made my mum for her 60th birthday in May. I will be back soon for a proper look around :)

Lori said... 96

My favorite project this year was a BOM and I can't choose a favorite patttern.

Richard Healey said... 97

I made a quilt for my Daughter that is fav thing I have made.

Erica said... 98

I love the Evergreen State pattern! So pretty! My favorite thing I've made this year is Christmas stockings for my family.

Sarah said... 99

The evergreen pattern looks lovely! My fav thing I've made this year was a tunic for me :)

Heather said... 100

I love the Evergreen State one! I think my favorite thing I've made this year has been a wicked hard all diamonds Anna Maria Horner quilt. That thing about killed me!

rads said... 101

i like the evergreen pattern, my favorite project was my son's 5th birthday party


Bonnie58 said... 102

Evergreen state. My fav was a FMQ queen size quilt in feathers. Thanks for the opportunity on a great draw and Merry Christmas to you.

Deb@asimplelifequilts said... 103

Ruffle Crush please! My favorite finish was my Snowy Stars wall quilt done in blue wintry batiks on white. Thanks for a great giveaway~!

elflyn said... 104

Evergreen State is gorgeous. Thank you for the chance to win.

ErikaB3 said... 105

i like the evergreen

Melissa Loves Color said... 106

I love evergreen state!

My favorite thing I've made this year is a bottled rainbows quilt.

Christie S. said... 107

Glad I found you - I checked out some of your tutorials. I'm a new follower. Love the Evergreen quilt.

Ramona said... 108

I would love the Evergreen state. My favorite thing I made was a two sided pirate quilt queen size for my friends son.

Kaynik said... 109

I would love Evergreen State.

The favourite thing I've made this year is my panda quilt. It's all for ME ME ME lol.

Thanks for the chance to win.

ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

Southern Gal said... 110

Evergreen is my pick.
My new lined curtains are my favorite thing I've made this year.

Tamie said... 111

My favorite thing that I have made this year might be some bee blocks. I've started some quilts but haven't finished any yet. Love your evergreen trees. Thanks for participating in the Giveaway Day.

Judith said... 112

I made my granddaughters dresses this summer and they were so happy and excited. It's really nice to sew for such appreciative recipients. I really like both of your patterns, but since I've been looking for the perfect Christmas quilt, I'd pick Evergreen State. Thanks for the chance to win.

Tricia said... 113

I really like Evergreen State.

Mali said... 114

Evergreen State for sure and I think the skinny cord/flannel top I made my daughter for Thanksgiving this year is my favorite thing I've made.

Tanya said... 115

I like evergreen state. Thanks for chance to wim.

Wendy said... 116

The best thing I made this year was my first ever quilt! I love Evergreen

Ms. Cook said... 117

My favorite thing I made this year was my first quilt! I would like The Evergreen State.

Anonymous said... 118

That Ruffle Crush is a must have for me. Gorgeous!

thehappycrochetchic said... 119

I like the ruffle, i would def. use it to make a quilt with some matching pillows, I love to make quilts, I made one for my daughter for her birthday recently!

Robyn said... 120

I've made homemade soaps for my family, and I'm helping my friend make Star Wars quilts for her boys. Thanks for the giveaway!


Mary Beth said... 121

My favorite is always the current project. Right now, it's an i-spy quilt for my daughter.
I like Evergreen State.

pbs.seams said... 122

My favorite project was a quilted wall hanging made out of suede and echo quilted. I'd love to win Evergreen State.

Kim said... 123
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kim said... 124

I love the baby quilt top I made. I would love evergreen state!

Cherise said... 125

My favorite thing I made this year is a My Favorite Things quilt. :) Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to you! :)

Georgia said... 126

Ruffle crush for me! And my favorite thing I made this year was the tree skirt I just finished. :)

Sangeetha said... 127

thanks ruffle crush looks really cute

Gingerp13 said... 128

The best thing I have made this year is my beautiful baby. Also, I love the Christmas quilt!

Katie said... 129

I made a couple of really cute i spy quilts.
I would love to win evergreen state.

Beth said... 130

I finished a small modern improv quilt this year and feel so good about it--the first thing I quilted myself, not just pieced.

I'd choose Evergreen State if I am the lucky winner.

janequiltsslowly said... 131

Since I'm a Washingtonian I have to choose Evergreen State! Favorite thing I made this year was a baby quilt that was all free pieced words using Tonya Riccuci's book Word Play Quilts for my grand-nephew, Levon

Macska said... 132

Favourite thing I made this year was a dress from a 1940 pattern. I love the styling from that era, such clever details.

If I'm lucky enough to win, I'd pick Evergreen State. :-)

Anonymous said... 133

I love Ruffle Crush! I was only able to complete one sewing project this year - my daughter's curtains. So I guess that's my favorite :)

Cecilia said... 134

Evergreen State.
I loved a cute little doll I made. I'd never made such an elaborate stuffed toy, it was awesome,

Thrifty Finn said... 135

The evergreen! Thanks for the chance!

Amy said... 136

Definitely the Evergreen State! My favorite finished project were a few hand knitted scarves. Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Garilyn S said... 137

My favorite would be the patchwork ruffle skirt for my daugher. I would choose ruffle crush. Thanks for the chance to win!

CraftyHourMom said... 138

My fave thing I've made this year is my first Feliz Party Dress:

Great patterns! I love the Ruffle one! thanks for the chance.

The Thompsons said... 139

They are beautiful patterns.

Lindsay said... 140

I think the favorite thing I've made this year is the bedding for my son't nursery. I like the Evergreen State pattern.