Monday, December 09, 2013

Happy Giveaway Day!

Happy giveaway day!
Twice a year, the folks at Sew, Mama, Sew host a big giveaway day, where lots of sewing bloggers give away sewn items or sewing supplies. This time I have a copy of the newest issue of Modern Patchwork to give away.
modern patchwork 

This issue of Modern Patchwork has instructions for a pillow I designed. I still think the block would look good made up into a quilt... maybe someday.
pinata pillow

This giveaway is open to anyone living on planet earth.
To enter, please leave a comment on this blog post telling me something interesting. (Something more than "pick me!")
The giveaway will be open until December 13, 2013 at 5 p.m. PST.
I'll notify the (randomly chosen) winner by December 15, 2013.
Good luck with all the giveaways!


Alison V. said... 1

I have a pineapple Christmas ornament!

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said... 2

Fish have no eyelids. (I think?) :)

Barb in Mi said... 3

Love the colors of your pillow - and I agree: the pattern (and fabric) would make a great quilt! Thanks so much!

Tammie said... 4

It was twelve degrees today here and it felt like a heat wave!

Jessica said... 5

I am fluent in two languages and like the tradition of celebrating christmas on the evening of the 24th

jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

Vivian said... 6

I am currently watching Phineas and Ferb with my daughter...shhhh...don't tell her I am blog surfing.

Adrienne said... 7

I crave root beer popsicles, even in winter

Kara said... 8

You're being awfully exclusive on your shipping! :) Due to extremely slow service, I have sworn off my single addiction, Sonic lemon slushes. I swore I wouldn't go again until the new year (6 weeks at the time), but I'm going through terrible withdrawls, and thinking of caving.

Whit said... 9

Did you know an Ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain!

Jodi - usairdoll said... 10

Great magazine! Something interesting? I grew up in Alaska, on a farm and walked a mile, each way to the highway to catch the school bus to and from school. Bus ride was 17 miles from my house to the school. All true, hehe. I had a wonderful childhood and wish I could have given my kids something similiar. Wishing you and yours Happy Holidays!

Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


Angela Bullard said... 11

I can't get enough Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark...seriously, it's becoming a problem!

Kathryn said... 12

I saw you're a member of the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild... I just joined the Triangle Modern Quilt Guild (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill) in North Carolina. Happy Holidays from your East Coast quilting family! (Although I think we got your weather here today... super cold and rainy!)

Jocelyn said... 13

I've never seen this magazine before. It looks really good. Something interesting?? It's 81 degrees here in the deep south :-) Thanks!

Jezibels said... 14

Im almost 40 years old and never learned how to/ nor can I snap my fingers or do a cartwheel!

Cat G. said... 15

The oldest actual quilt still in existence is from Egypt, from 980 B.C.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Allison C said... 16

I just had a baby boy. He is 4mo old and sleeps 10-12hrs/night. We are lucky parents.

ruthsplace said... 17

I love your pillow.

Something interesting...? I have never had a winter Christmas. My goal is to spend Christmas in Germany or Denmark before I'm too old to enjoy it.

Leila said... 18

We had a pie night today. A meat/potato/carrot pie for the main dish and an apple/cranberry pie for dessert. My kids said we should have pie night every night. :)

Mara said... 19

I live in a beautiful place called Meteora Greece (look it up) and our house is on a postcard.

Bailey said... 20

My kids were playing monster and hiding under their bed so I made a trail of M&Ms to lead them out so the mommy monster could tickle them.

juceyj03 said... 21

My husband and I both have one child from a past relationship and both of them all 11 but the crazy thing is that the both were born on the same day in the same hospital..CrAzY! We now have a child together that was also born in the same month as other other to children but later in the month!!
The kids think it is so totally cool because very one thinks they are twins!!
Thanks for the chance, Jessica

Richard Healey said... 22

I am a guy who quilts!

Lesley said... 23

I'm allergic to the sun.

Beth said... 24

We got a model Polar Express going around our Christmas Tree this year!

Kim said... 25

I get to spend this Christmas with my 3 1/2 year old niece, who was adopted from China by my sister and her husband this past May. I'm so excited for her to experience Christmas!

Carla Keahey said... 26

I've been eyeing this magazine for awhile now! SOmething interesting...two of my toes are hooked together! Whoa!

Kathy said... 27

So I have this uber-talented friend whose quilting has been published! she shares her talent with others and I feel fortunate to know her:)

April Boyer Modern Handmade said... 28

I recently found out that Yorkshire pudding is not pudding. At least not pudding as Americans know pudding. It's easy to make and delicious as well!

kimberlier said... 29

I work part time as an art therapist and a counselor at an outpatient mental health clinic and this past year, i a taught our clients how to quilt. We had such a good time!

Jan Baker said... 30

We have the only grass rodeo left in the US. The 104th is next year in September.

Carla said... 31

That is a great pillow and congrats on the magazine. I could use a new magazine. I really need to be doing some holiday decorating. I am thinking about setting up the tree on Christmas eve this year. That's what they do on tv and in the movies. I have not purchased one gift this year either. I'm in trouble. lol

Moya Z said... 32

There's a beehive in Wellington, a mermaid in Warsaw, and an eye in London!

Stephanie @ Quarter Incher said... 33

I can feel the baby kicking inside right now!

Béa said... 34

I would love to live in US for your quiltshops, fabrics are so expensive in France.

Katrin said... 35

I burned the first batch of christmas cookies and need to make up for that. But not today... Thanks!

Jen Barnard said... 36

2 days ago I finished my first quilt, well, I think that's interesting.

Barbara O. said... 37

I have a Tilda design fabric angel sitting in a wreath for Christmas decoration. Tilda designs are cute and worth a try, but there aren't any pillow designs. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said... 38

I couldn't stand to drink black coffee, although I've tried for years. When I gave up drinking soda, I instantly loved black coffee. I have yet to have my coffee this morning, hence this boring interesting fact. :p

Szamóca said... 39

My ten-year-old son embroidered last year a dinosaur... (my mother-in-law got it as a wall-hanging...) and now he wants to crochet...
ehodasz at yahoo dot com

Lisa England said... 40

It's still early and I couldn't think of anything particularly interesting so here's something amusing. A poem. My son thought this was hilarious when he was young.

Snowball By Shel Silverstein

I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I’d keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first– – it wet the bed.

Nati said... 41

Thanks for the chance to win! Something interesting about me is that I live in Luxembourg... the tiny little country in Europe! And it is really cold :)

Miz Karen said... 42

At 50 years of age I taught myself to quilt. I have now been quilting 72 years.

Julene said... 43

I just looked out my window, and it's snowing! (:

Lee said... 44

I love your pillow and thank you for the magazine giveaway. I am new beekeeper - built my own hive and my husband grows organic pears! have a great day!

Kayla Yapuncich said... 45

Thanks for the chance! Something interesting... One time I was watching TV when the remote batteries died so I got up, threw the old batteries away, opened the drawer with the batteries, took out the wine opener, opened a bottle of wine, poured myself a glass, sat back down, and couldn't figure out why the remote wasn't working! I was clearly distracted that night!

Karen P. said... 46

I love quilting magazines but that is something I never spend money on so I'd love to win it! Congrats on the pillow!

Unknown said... 47

I'm from Argentina, I have three dogs, two cats and two puppys ♥

cllcraft said... 48

What's interesting? Everyone's comments!

Laughing Owl said... 49

Reading all the comments is so much fun :) Well. I'm Russian (snow, bears, vodka, that kind of staff), but I'm currently living in Indonesia. This is going to be the first New Year I celebrate without snow and cold. It feels so strange. My brain just can't believe it's December, because there is no snow. And Christmas decorations in shops look just absolutely out of place and kind of surreal...

Judy H said... 50

Retired from an airline and moved to one part of the country they don't fly to! And then got a part time job at the library handling books and as an avid reader this is giving the keys to the drug store to a drug addict.

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said... 51

For many years, I did a Polar Bear Swim in my hometown's river on New Years Day. Some years, they even had to break through the ice to access the river for us!

Kay said... 52

Thanks for a great giveaway. I had a Christmas baby that was a huge surprise as we were expecting a boy and had a girl!

Unknown said... 53

Reindeer like to eat bananas. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said... 54

Today is National Human Rights Day, celebrated across the world.
I would love to win a copy of this book, love the pretty pillow. Thanks for the chance to win!

Allison said... 55

Although I fly back to my home in California in 9 days, I'm actually finishing up a study abroad semester in Aix-en-Provence right now. The language has kept me on my toes, but I have loved this adventure!

Jill said... 56

My husband is convinced that our 3 year old will never learn to drive a car. She won't need to with self-driving vehicles which will become the norm. It's so futuristic to me, seems hard to believe.

Bethany said... 57

Our Christmas tree is made up entirely of pink and silver ornaments!

stephmabry said... 58

My boyfriend's little boy once told the kids on our block that he couldn't play because he had to go to the fabric store. I'm training him well!

Thanks for the chance!


Cristi Baxter Clothier said... 59

Did you know that an Elephant is the only animal that can't jump? True story.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Shanna said... 60

Eggnog was first dreamed up in the 17th century...

[I got that little tidbit from, which I found last year when I was trying to figure out what a "Hip bath" was, it's a great site for daily reading of randomness! I don't know the likelyhood that I will win, but I wanted to share this site with you any way if you like random knowledge, you will be heaven! *\0/* Cheers!]

Unknown said... 61

I just learned that the longest chicken flight is 13 seconds - why would anyone bother to time it?? Anyway, this is a lovely offer - thank you, and Merry Christmas

Kay Holm said... 62

I make Swedish pancakes with lingonberries in this special pan with seven 2.5" diameter indents so the pancakes come out very small and round.

Unknown said... 63

I jumped out of an airplane once. Great giveaway!

Chiska said... 64

Where I live it is very cold and I've just learned how to make ice lanterns. It's so easy and fun and makes me almost like the cold. Almost.

Marti M said... 65

I live in Portland Oregon. It snow this morning, I have never driven in snow.

Rosa said... 66

This is the week to finish making Christmas decoration and hope to decorate my house next weekend.Have a fun day!

Celia said... 67

I have a kitty cat named Dennis the Menace and boy does he live up to his name!

sew.darn.quilt said... 68

I sometimes feel like I don't belong in this time period Crazy, huh!
Thank you for the chance.

cheeky monkey said... 69

Pick me!

ok, you want to read more! Let me think! This is kind of a hard question not knowing what you find interesting but I might just tell you some simple things: Did you know that a 6 year old can start laughing when you sing "silent night ... sleep in heavenly peace" cause she thinks you are singing about peas .. or was it pee she had in mind? who knows! she could not stop laughing.

Karen said... 70

Something interesting....? How about, I've made over 70 quilts in the last 3 years and I STILL havent made one for MYSELLF! That's actually probably pretty common with us quilters, though! Thanks for the chance to win! Enjoy reading everyone's 'interesting' comments:-)

Karrie said... 71

Q: what's a cow called with no legs?
A: Ground beef!

THanks for the chance to win ;)


Barb and Sharon said... 72

I'm a newbie Longarm quilter who is moving towards the modern side of quilting. LOL

Ali said... 73

I love some of these answers! I'm going to be vague, I got a tarantula this year, and what it does to cockroaches in order to eat them is very interesting. Horrifying, but interesting. Leaving it at that :|

Jayne said... 74

Interesting. I find it interesting that much of my fabric is not me...most was bought before I really knew my style. But the most interesting part...I cannot part with it!

Lyanna L. said... 75

Thanks for the chance to win -- as far as interesting facts go... I love pandas and when I was younger my dream job was to go to China and work on a giant panda reserve.

Since I don't speak Chinese nor do I like any oart of living in the outdoors (bugs, dirt, etc.) and am a picky eater I realized in high school that was perhaps not the best career path for me.

I still want to go to China & see the giant pandas though. One day.

Stephanie said... 76

I am a wildlife biologist!

Julia C said... 77

How about a joke? What did the cow say on Christmas morning?

Moooey Christmas!!!


Quilting in the Deep South said... 78

I am a dairy farmer and did you know that cows have best friends and can get very upset if you separate them?

Laura said... 79

My favorite animal is a pig!

Kathy said... 80

The names of Santa's reindeer in Latin: Provolans, Saltator, Exsultans, Vulpes, Cometes, Cupidus, Tonitrus, Fulgens, Rudolphus Naso Rubro!

supersara20 said... 81

hmm, interesting. It's impossible to sneeze while your eyes are open.

Needled Mom said... 82

That looks like a great book. I always thought of myself as a traditional quilter until the last year or so. I am loving all of the modern fabrics and designs.

Anonymous said... 83

I have been going thru my stash picking out fabrics to use to make pillow cases for my 10 grandchildren for Christmas. I like to find fabric that "matches" their personality.
paweis at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... 84

I went orca watching off puget sound once and saw NO orcas!

Julie said... 85

There are more that 1,200 types of bats in the world.

Sonia B said... 86

I made a list of unfinished quilts today and it was a whopping 24. I'll be on a fabric diet for the new year, but that won't stop me from reading about new projects. Thanks for the chance.

CraftyHourMom said... 87

This week my 4-year old son surprised me by writing a card for his aunt by himself. He sounded out the letters: "e t emle" (auntie Emily) "FLOVE Benny" (from/love Benny). I like it. New word: flove!

Vicki said... 88

This comment was emailed to me by Clarice: I live in Maine and love to quilt. Mostly I make lap robes and other things to donate to Chaplinacy Service of Maine. I use scraps and yard sale yardage. I do about one quilt a year which I give to someone in the family. In the summer I garden a little, keep pots of things growing on my patio. I don't do a lot as I am about to turn 85 years old and can't manage as much as I used to. I would love to get your magazine and the pattern you showed on your blog. Have a Merry Christmas. Clarice

CapitolaQuilter said... 89

I just had my very first quilt show this month at a LQS.

Sangeetha said... 90

Love your pillow pattern and wishing you happy holidays

Deb said... 91

I live in New Zealand and we have no snakes, bears, or wolves here

jmj said... 92

I live on Planet Earth!!! Life here is grand!!!!

patchworkdelights said... 93

Hmm something interesting, let me think a long long long time ago one of my relatives was related to a Dutch King, does that make me a princess? Or maybe has anyone else that you know had 3 root canals in one year on one tooth before they built up the courage to get it pulled out? The latter hasn't happened yet, stil working on the courage bit! Thanks for the great giveaway, love the pillow! Fi

Unknown said... 94

did you know quilting is the most popular sewing category hobby after clothes making?
I think it is addictive! I like your chicken quilt block tutorial- I will use it to make a wall hanging for my mum's kitchen. I am thinking of adding a red gingham border and a band of cream linen at the bottom, where she can pin things.
Thank you for taking part and introducing your blog- I ma now a follower.
Merry Christmas

pennydog said... 95

Dogs have 6 blood groups but if they need a transfusion, their first can be from any blood group donor because of the unique way their blood works.

Heather said... 96

I love peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, I try to get my kids to eat them with me, but they think I'm weird.

Nikita said... 97

Butterflies taste with their feet.

Taryn V. said... 98

For the first three years of our marriage, my husband and I resided on separate continents! He lived in Nigeria, while I remained in the US. I'm so glad we live in the same city now :D. Thanks for the chance to win!

Gill said... 99

I did a pilates class this morning!

Jacqueline said... 100

I'm currently in the train back from work. And i'm spending it in the best way I can; surfing different blogs for Giveaway day!
And the windows of my car where frozen over this morning for the very first time this winter. hopefully we get some ice this winter and the 'elfstedentocht' will be held...

Jo said... 101

It must be an amazing feeling to be published. I have never made a pillow but I am seeing so many great ones in blogland lately I might give one a try, thanks for the chance to enter

Pat V. said... 102

Why is it when someone says "tell me something interesting" or "tell me a joke" my mind goes completely blank. Does this happen to everyone? I live near Seattle, and although we get tons of rain we seldom get snow.

amy and the bad cats said... 103

i have 5 cats, and when one jumps on the bed at night, i can tell which one it is just from the weight and how he/she moves!

hcolvin said... 104

Interesting? Hmmm, how about this: The automatic popup bread toaster was patented before the bread slicing machine. 1919 and 1928. That’s right, people sliced their own bread for the toaster for almost a decade before sliced bread was sold.
Love the book and your pillow!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said... 105

What did the ocean say to the boat?

....Nothing, he just waved!!

Where does a snowman keep his money??

....In a snow bank!

EG said... 106

My 4-year-old son has renamed himself "Awesome."

Deb@asimplelifequilts said... 107

It has been below zero for 135 hours where I live. No joke!

atabanana29 said... 108

Racecar spelled backwards is racecar. :)

Anonymous said... 109

My best yardsale find this summer was a Rubbermaid RoughTote filled with fabric for 10 bucks!!!! Thanks so much for the opportunity.

michael ann said... 110

i should really be packing right now since i'm moving on friday, but i'm doing this instead ;]

greeblygreebly said... 111

Something interesting...The Mona Lisa doesn't have eyebrows or eye lashes. (Not sure if that is interesting or slightly disturbing.)

bee said... 112

i just recently watched the Hobbit and am looking forward to watching part 2 this weekend!
merry quilting!

Emily C said... 113

Pick me! ahahahahaha =)
I love to sew. My mother taught me when I was 8 and I still love fabric some 20+ years later.

Kirsten said... 114

Nice one on the pinata! Very festive.

quilt455 said... 115

Might not be interesting to you but my new Janome machine is on the way in the mail and I am thrilled.

Amanda said... 116

My fingers are so cold, I can barely type! (That's as interesting as I get right now...) :)

Anya said... 117

Hmmm, something interesting...Jane Stickle made her famous quilt while bedridden...and she won a prize for it at her local county fair in 1863! Thanks for the chance!

kbzelazny said... 118

I have 4 dachshunds!

Nita said... 119

I just drove 4 days from Whitehorse Yukon to my new home in Salmon Arm and it never got above -27 Celsius for the first 3 days. Thankfully my car has a great heater!

Kathy Davis said... 120

When I was 10 in 1962, I decided to make a quilt. I asked all the neighbor ladies for scrap fabric and with the help of my mom I hand pieced enough 9 patch blocks to make a quilt. My dad built a quilt frame and the whole family got involved. My dad and both older brother helped my mom and me do the quilting. Lots of pricked fingers but we got it done and I still have it today. It is a well loved memory of my first sewing project. Thanks, Kathy

Linda V said... 121

I am finishing up a baby quilt for my new grandson due in 3 weeks. They just decided on a name, "Ben" and now I can FINISH appliqueing his name on. Then done! Woo hoo. It is hand-quilted, so it has taken a while.

Anonymous said... 122

I stayed home sick today.

Jessica said... 123

My husband has taught our 3.5 year old that his middle name is "Danger"

Deb said... 124

I'm making a photo book for my husband for Christmas (Shutterfly) of our 25th anniversary trip to the Grand canyon... it's been almost 10 years since we went!!! But i think he will love it!

Jamie @ the Backless Shirt Blog said... 125

I have a birthmark on my stomach that looks like chocolate milk is leaking out of my belly button. True story!

Michele T said... 126

We are experiencing a deep freeze where I live north of Lake Superior in Canada... minus 30 below Celcius and that does not factor in the wind chill (feels like minus 38!!) Eeek!

Unknown said... 127

Hmmm...I'm an identical twin and when were introduced to sis always says it's easy to tell us apart because she's the prettier one!

Chirpy said... 128

When I was 7, we visited Seattle Sea World and Shamu the killer whale kissed me on the cheek. =)

Passion to Create said... 129

My great grandmother's aunt dated Al Capone and my great grandmother received a fur coat from Al Capone as a gift. Not a respectable man at all. Actually died out of prison due to syphilis but it's still interesting none the less.

Anonymous said... 130

Something interesting--hmmm. In the last 14 years, I have owned three cats. The first two I inherited from my sister. The third one I inherited from my aunt.

Crystal Hendrix said... 131

AS I am sitting here entering your giveaway I'm....eating rocky road ice cream from the carton...holding my 3 week old and have our little kitten on me too. :D We are all snuggled up :D

Material Girl said... 132

I bought a bar of Lindt dark chocolate with caramel and a touch of sea salt. The chocolate was awesome but I didn't taste or see any caramel. The sea salt was really crunchy but no salt taste. Wahhhhhh! It was chocolate with nuts, I don't even know what kind. And I bought 2 bars. One was to be gifted,forget that now! How did that happen? Better than pick me? True story!

DeborahGun said... 133

I live in Indonesia :-) And I love F1 car racing :-) Thanks for the chance!

Lyn said... 134

Enchanted Rock (in Central Texas) is a pink granite dome that is the second largest batholith in the US. (And the views from the top are wonderful.)

Lauren said... 135

Most submarines in the US Navy are longer than a football field!

Stephanie said... 136

I once had a newt that lived for 14 years!

tammi said... 137

Did you know the Trapp Family singers are still touring? ( from the Sound of Music) Some members are descendants of the family I thought that was interesting.

Judy said... 138

My son (who is only 16) is winning Superior Awards at Thespian Festivals for his film making and acting! Excited watching him live his dream! Thanks for the chance.

Rumi said... 139

Last week I made first 3 Christmas stocking. It was funny.

Coser Tejer Crear said... 140

Mi sister arrived from Argentina last night! It was a surprise! She is staying until the 7th of Jan! Yippieeeee

annette said... 141

the best way to ask for beer is to sing out Ubik.
(i am currently reading Ubik by Phillip K Dick)

SIMPLESEW said... 142

I was mag shopping yesterday and saw the mag.. congrats.. but I pick up my friends mag Maureen cracknells , she was published for shoe strings. its that wild,simple, original and cute.

redzshadow said... 143

In a deck of cards the King of Hearts is the only king without a mustache.

Unknown said... 144

All our animals are named after kids movies. hayleymstephens at gmail dot com

Wendy said... 145

I'm allergic to oranges.

Rina Mason said... 146

A combined total of 757,500 gallons of water flow over Niagara Falls every second and yet the Great Lakes never empty.

Heather62 said... 147

Some days I serve my kids cereal for dinner and I think that is a-ok.

Stitching Impressions said... 148

HI there,

Thanks for being so generous. Something interesting? I read on Esther Aliu's blog this week, that someone stole her 25 green recycling bags while she was packing up her groceries. Can you believe it?


Lia*s Handmades said... 149

Did you know that there are little people called calories, who live in your wardrobe and come out at night when you sleep, to sew your clothes tighter? No? You asked for something interesting ;) LOL!

Thanks for the chance to win!! :)

kay said... 150

I love your piñata pillow! In fact, piñatas remind me of Christmas (?!) because when I was a child, my parents had a Christmas party for my friends and me, and had a blue reindeer piñata at the party.

Kristin said... 151

In between giveaway entries, I am painting my nails white with red sparkles :)

Michelle said... 152

Something interesting... The only way I can get rid of hiccups is to hold my breath for 30 seconds then doing something else to take my mind of them. said... 153

We have a possum which comes to visit and steal the cats food, he has a manky skin condition on his bum (its a type of dermatitis according to the wildlife people I rang) so we decided he's a zombie possum and named him Shaun, because the only zombie movie I've seen is Shaun of the Dead. Hilarious movie, you should watch it.

(Random and hopefully somewhat interesting).

Allison Sews said... 154

I want it to snow - why does Portland get all the snow and we get none??

Jill R. said... 155

I learned on "go diego, go" today that camels have two sets of eyelashes.

Betsy said... 156

This is the first year in 27 years of my married life that I did not put up the Christmas tree

charlotte l said... 157

We went Christmas caroling tonight. So much fun. The kids loved it. Thanks

Margaret said... 158

It is very icy and snowy outside with more on the way

Will Cook for Shoes said... 159

I'm from Winnipeg and it's -43 with the windchill. I sew so I keep busy inside and don't have to leave the house. EVAH.

Linda said... 160

Half of the Christmas lights for the tree aren't working this year. Grr.. Thanks for the chance to win.

Susan said... 161

Honey is the only food that doesn’t spoil.

Lori said... 162

early fabrics were rarely printed with dates on the fabric itself, cotton did not come into great use in Europe and America until the middle to the end of the 1700's

elflyn said... 163

I have a frog living in my water tank.

nicolesender said... 164

Just turned the heat up; my fingers are sooo cold. I'm thinking about flowers and sun!

sandyandcosmo said... 165

I have a one-eared Scottie dog and I think he is beautiful!

Patricia said... 166

In Germany the cost for quilting fabric is $20 - $25 a yard.

jeifner said... 167

Deep sea thermal vent worms are some of the only living organisms that are not carnivores, herbivores, omnivores nor use energy from the sun, or photosynthesis, to live :)

Ivona said... 168

Greetings from Slovakia :-) Me and my family - we are owned by a cute boston terrier girl Aylin :-)

Lynn M said... 169

Um...I wish I had something as cool as a fish with no eyelids, but I don't. I guess, I have moved 3 times in the last year. I think I might have to move again, but its up in the air. I had to give away most of my crafty stuff in the last move due to having a small trailer and no money for a bigger one. The next move will be free if we do move! So no more having to give away my prized fabric lol.

Unknown said... 170

I told my kids (now 40 & 36!) that I walked 4 miles home from high school. Now that I've moved back, I checked on car odo. & found it was only one mile. ;-)

Victoria said... 171

I have one more semester before I graduate with a graphic communication degree. I promised myself I would do that before I turned 60 and I will be walking toward my diploma at 59. Made it by the skin of my teeth!

Unknown said... 172

I am from Lexington KY which is actually one of the most educated cities in the US despite people's misconceptions about those of us from KY.

eleshadavis said... 173

Thanks for the giveaway. Hmm, something interesting... I am 17, live in the UK and am just about to apply to university to study Ancient and Medieval History :)

Thrifty Finn said... 174

I'm writing this by my desk, only wearing a towel, with an argan-oil face mask on my face, getting ready to a party,

mrscwatson said... 175

I keep drooling over this mag on the store shelves but just can't will myself to spend $15. I'd LOVE to win a copy! Or else, maybe it'll end up in my stocking!

Catskill Quilter said... 176

Today is Friday the 13th. EEEK!
Happy holidays!

Quilting Tangent said... 177

Right know listening to Herman Hermets!

Kabagirl said... 178

I tried making sugar cookies, and well lets say I will have to practice... but I make a great chocolate chip oreo cookie.

Katie said... 179

An astronaut in orbit could not technically enter this giveaway since they would not be living ON earth, right? Thank goodness I am NOT an astronaut in orbit! ;)

Anonymous said... 180

Birds have hollow bones to make them light enough to fly!

Leslie said... 181

My son is napping for the first time in a very tantrum, tear filled week. Besides being upset that he was tired, crabby, etc, I was crabby I was missing prime giveaway entry time. :-) Thanks!

DebraKay Neiman said... 182

I think I am the only one in Oklahoma who does not have a smart phone and cannot get on Instagram. A clerk in the mall about fell out when she saw my cell phone. I don't have an IPAD or Tablet or Kindle either. I do have two sewing machines, two embroidery machines and a serger though. I am happy to follow you on Bloglovin. Merry Christmas from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

LA Paylor said... 183

I was a wench in the Rennaisance Festival for 8 years. I can do a great British accent.
LeeAnna Paylor

Leigh Anne said... 184

My husband and I grew up only 20 minutes apart but only met in our mid 20s :)

ellascottage at inspired-design dot ca

Carla G said... 185

It just stopped snowing after 2 days and 40cm accumulated... what an exhausting time moving it off my driveway. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Kat said... 186

My name is Kat and I have a cat named Wilson who is allergic to cats :) (For real!)

Debbie said... 187

I have 15 months until I am 60 and can retire to sew, craft, etc. Can hardly wait

Holly U said... 188

My mom has over 200 santas decorating her house. Thanks!

Kara the Odd said... 189

My dog is worth his weight in solid silver just from emergency vet bills, Italian Greyhounds should come with a trust fund.

Judy said... 190

I froze water balloons with water and food coloring. Put those frozen water orbs in my flower pots. Gives the snow a touch of whimsy!


Michelle said... 191

the trumpeter swans are back for the season and with hundreds next door during the day it is quite a band playing.