Hello friends! I'm back at the blog for Giveaway Day! Sew,Mama, Sew hosts giveaway day (which lasts several days) twice a year, make sure to visit their page and check out all the handmade items and sewing supplies that are being given away this week.

I've made a couple cathedral window pincushions this past week and last night I decided to finish this one up and give it away. I'll include a little bundle of scraps, too. If you're interested in making your own pincushion, I used this Riley Blake tutorial to make mine.
This giveaway is open to U.S. commenters, to enter please leave a comment telling me something fun you hope to do this summer. Comments will be open until May 10 at 5 p.m. Pacific time, and I'll update this post with the winner at that time. Comments are moderated so don't worry if you don't see your comment right away. Please make sure your email address is included in your comment if you're a no-reply commenter.
Have fun with all the giveaways!
Adorable! I love the button :) I hope to go to Niagara Falls this summer
Love this! I will be an aunt (for the first time) this summer!
I am hoping to spend a lot of the summer outside with my kids!
I am hoping to go camping several times this summer. That pin cushion is adorable!
Lots of pool time!
I am hoping to spend many hours playing in the pool with my grandsons!
I'm hoping to play on my new bernina when it arrives this summer
I plan on visiting Lake Tahoe. And visit the fabric shops on the drive up from South California.
I hope to vend at more farmer's markets this summer!
I'm hoping to find time to just float in the pool, nothing exciting just relaxing.
My husband and I hope to build a deck on our house this summer.
I am hoping to use our library's museum pass cards to take my children to lots of fun places this summer. sarah@forrussia.org
I'm hoping to get some sewing done for grandchildren!
donnalee1953 (at) gmail (dot) com
This is super cute!
I hope to buy my first home!
Such a cute cushion - thank you! I want to do some hiking in the mountains this summer!
So pretty!
I'm hoping to go spend time with my grandkids this summer!
Oh, Vicki! I love that pincushion! I so enjoy checking in with your blog and seeing what new quilty goodness you have going on. As for what I hope to do this summer? I'm hoping that my cancer kitties stay well enough that I can slip away for a weekend in Portland in August, when my husband and son are doing the Bridge Ride there (they close all the bridges to car traffic for this bike event).
I'm going to spend some time in Iowa with my family and I just can't wait! :)
I am getting a visit from my sister and mom in June.
I just found out a friend is expecting so I'm hoping to do lots of baby sewing and visiting.
The girls and I are going to renovate and paint their outdoor playhouse! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I hope to spend time riding bikes with my kids.
I hope to be admitted to the Nursing Program at UVU (and go camping, do more studying, de-junk, sew, cross-stitch, and read non-school books)!
We're hoping to trek across our state (CT) again this summer--this time by canoe. The last two summers we've done it, mostly by bike, but with a little canoeing and hiking thrown in.
We're hoping to go to Yellowstone.
My son is a huge waterpark fan. I hope to be able to take him to the waterpark at least once per week this summer (on average). Have a great summer!
I am looking forward to going kayaking this summer.
This is soooo beautiful! What a fabulous idea! This summer, our family gets to work at a Young Life camp for three weeks in Oregon...just a 5 minute walk from the beach. I am excited for lots of quality time with my three girls and my husband, soaking up the ocean and enjoying the fun at camp.
I haven't made any summer plans yet, but I expect I'll have a busy time at work. That doesn't sound too fun though. I do have plenty of quilting projects to work on when I'm not at work! That's a great pincushion!
Very cute!!! I am off to the wilds of Denver this summer!
My kids and I just discovered geocacheing over spring break and hope to do a lot more this summer.
storybookfelts at gmail dot com
I'm hoping to get back to the ocean this summer!
this is very pretty as of yet I do not have a hand made pincushion shhhhh I hope to make a summer quilt for our bed I cant wait to have our daughter out from California in 3 weeks and we planted some red raspberries ymmm cant wait for them to start producing
I am really looking forward to the beach with my family this summer.
A little bit of hiking, a long weekend on the coast, and sew, sew, sew!! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. Super cute pin cushion. :-)
Cute pincushion! I hope to go on vacation with my family.
I'd like to bike 50 miles :)
Cute pin cushion! I hope to spend some time at the beach this summer with my family. Thanks for the chance to win.
I'd love to take my daughter to an amusement park. She's finally tall enough to ride most of the rides!
I plan on making a tour of all my favorite Minnesota spots this summer -- have to sneak in one last visit before I move to Seattle in August!
BBQ's bike rides and gardening for the summer. Come school time Papa and I will be traveling to Yellowstone and the south west.
Thanks for the chance.
Hope to go visit family this summer and maybe a trip to Legoland!
We're going on vacation this summer to celebrate our daughter's college graduation. Can't wait! Thanks for sharing your lovely pincushion with us!
I plan to take my son skydiving for his 20th birthday. Words of Wisdom: Don't make promises to 5-year-olds. :O)
The covered button just makes it. Nice work!
Do some community theater with my daughter!
I hope to see my sister this summer!
(If I don't win, will you make me one anyway?)
Minor league baseball is on my list. I'd also love to go camping. I'm enjoying spring and getting things organized
Thanks for the chance to win such a cute pincushion! I love it! This summer, I hope to do a lot of gardening and go swimming a few times with my kids!
xo -E
What a lovely pincushion! Thanks for the great giveaway. I'm looking forward to spending lots of time in the park and on the bike trails with my granddaughter this summer.
We are hoping to get at least one big family camping trip in the summer. :)
I hope to pick and eat lots of yummy fruit.
We're planning on hitting the beach this summer. Really looking forward to it! Thanks for the chance! :)
LOVE this pin cushion. I really want to try and make a cathedral window someday. This summer, I'd really like to finish up a wedding quilt and have fun with my son at Disney World. Thanks for the giveaway.
Looove the pin cushion! Would love to win! Thanks for the chance! :)
This summer, hope to go visit our Daughter in NC! Saw the ocean for first time, when we went about 5 years ago! Was soooo beautiful!
Visiting family in South Carolina. Planting giant sunflowers. Having son read Harry Potter for the first time. Learning with my son on how to do still shot filming of legos and clay.
I hope to be able to take a trip to Atlanta, Georgia to visit with some of my husbands family.
detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
Would love to get some camping in this summer. We have missed it! Great pincushion! :-)
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