Here are the projects I'm hoping to complete by March 31:
My Small World quilt

I don't think I've blogged about this project at all. I started it last May as part of the quiltalong on instagram. #mysmallworldqal is the hashtag. I need to finish piecing part 6 and applique one more section onto part 5. Then baste, quilt, bind.
Scrappy pillow

This is based on a tutorial by Amanda Jean, with some changes.
Needs more hand quilting, maybe some machine quilting too to speed things up. And then to be made into a pillow cover.
Alabama Chanin skirt

I started this way too long ago. Maybe close to three years ago. I think part of the reason I haven't finished it is I'm apprehensive about how it will fit and/or look on me. I need to just get it done, it is so close. I think it will turn out better than how I've been worrying it will be. I need to finish the stitching and cutting on this panel, and then sew the 4 panels together and attach the elastic.
Disappearing 9-patch quilt

I made this quilt top from a layer cake along with my sister-in-law and the kids a while back. It's going to be donated, probably to the children's hospital. I'm waiting for batting to arrive, then it needs to be basted, quilted, bound.
Jelly roll race quilt

Finally, this won't count for the finish-along, but I also want to complete 6 more rounds on my hand-pieced Trip Around the World quilt. And I'm also going to make some more x+ blocks.

I'm linking up at A Quilter's Table, and looking forward to finishing lots of projects in 2016!